!!Physiology & Pathophysiology 2023 Symposium virtual issue

__The American Physiological Society journal, ''FUNCTION'', has released a special Physiology & Pathophysiology 2023 Symposium virtual issue, highlighting articles arising from the international symposium held in March 2023.__
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The two-day international symposium was held in Halle, Germany on the 7th-8th March 2023 at the German National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, the world’s oldest Academy. The event was sponsored by [FUNCTION|https://academic.oup.com/function], a journal by the [American Physiological Society|https://www.physiology.org/?SSO=Y], and __Academia Europaea__.
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Bringing together around 100 scientists from across the world, the conference covered various aspects of the human body, ranging from its primary support systems to its significant functions, which include sensing, moving, talking, and thinking.
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The attendees listened to a number of eminent scientists including eight distinguished members of Academia Europaea (MAEs): [Dennis Brown|Member/Brown_Dennis] (Harvard Medical School), [Annette Dolphin|Member/Dolphin_Annette_Catherine] (UCL), [Péter Hegyi|Member/Hegyi_Péter] (Semmelweis Budapest), [John Neoptolemos|Member/Neoptolemos_John] (University of Heidelberg), [Anant Parekh|Member/Parekh_Anant] (NIEH, NIH, North Carolina), [Carl Petersen|Member/Petersen_Carl] (EPFL Lausanne), [Ole Petersen|Member/Petersen_Ole] (Cardiff University), and [Alex Verkhratsky|Member/Verkhratsky_Alexei] (Manchester University).
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The conference was opened by Professor Armin Kurtz, Member of the Leopoldina Senate and Chair of the Academy’s Physiology & Pharmacology/Toxicology section. Professor Kurtz also chaired the public Leopoldina Lecture, given by Ole Petersen, uniquely for the second time.
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!Watch [all recordings of the talks|https://journals.physiology.org/physiology-and-pathophysiology-2023].
!Read the [articles|https://academic.oup.com/function/pages/2023-symposium-virtual-issue?login=false] in the virtual issue.
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