!!!Three MAEs play key role in new American Top Science Journal

The American Physiological Society (APS), by far the world’s largest society of physiologists and pathophysiologists, with more than 10,000 members, will be launching its new flagship journal __FUNCTION__ later this year.
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Three members of __Academia Europaea__, Professors [Ole Petersen|Member/Petersen_Ole] CBE MAE FRS (Director of the Academia Europaea – Cardiff University Knowledge Hub), [Anant Parekh|Member/Parekh_Anant] MAE FRS and [Tullio Pozzan|Member/Pozzan_Tullio] MAE FRS will play key roles in the development of this new journal. 
Ole Petersen is the Editor-in-Chief and Anant Parekh and Tullio Pozzan are Executive Editors.
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On 22nd January, Ole Petersen, the Executive Editors, the President and the Executive Director of [APS|https://www.the-aps.org/?SSO=Y] met at [Duke University|https://www.duke.edu]’s world leading [Molecular Physiology Institute|https://dmpi.duke.edu] in Durham, North Carolina to speak at a very well attended international symposium on ‘[Bringing Great Physiology to the Forefront of Science|https://dmpi.duke.edu/files/function_symp_dmpi_22_jan_2020.pdf]’. This was followed by [FUNCTION|https://www.physiology.org/function]’s inaugural editorial group meeting, deciding on the most important aspects of the new, fully [Plan S|https://www.coalition-s.org/addendum-to-the-coalition-s-guidance-on-the-implementation-of-plan-s/principles-and-implementation] compliant, Open Access journal.
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[{Image src='Function_small.jpg' caption='From left to right: Professor Anant Parekh MAE FRS (University of Oxford), Professor Ole Petersen MAE FRS and Professor Mark Nelson (Member of the US National Academy of Sciences, University of Vermont) at the panel discussion held at the Duke Molecular Physiology Institute' height='400' alt='' align='center'}]
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Several fresh and innovative ideas were agreed that should make it particularly attractive for authors to submit excellent papers to FUNCTION. These include:
*a novel type of short Focus Article, reporting a very important new observation, based on solid evidence, but without the need to explore all the ramifications that would be expected for a full paper.
*a new style Evidence Review, citing only original papers and not other reviews.
*the decision to publish Perspective Articles for each original full paper.
*Importantly full original papers would also be linked to invited presentations at a forthcoming APS conference.
*Furthermore it was decided that a firm decision about acceptance/rejection for a submitted article would be made at the end of the first review round so that, irrespective of the outcome of further experiments required by reviewers or editors, a decision to accept would stand.
Ole Petersen said,
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''The meeting at the [Duke Molecular Physiology Institute|https://dmpi.duke.edu] was a great success with some fantastic talks by the extraordinarily strong inaugural Editorial Team, which includes four Fellows of [The Royal Society|https://royalsociety.org], three members of __Academia Europaea__ and three members of the [US National Academy of Sciences|http://www.nasonline.org]. I was also delighted to be able to announce at the meeting that three Nobel Laureates, [Erwin Neher|Member/Neher_Erwin] MAE FRS ([Max Planck Society|https://www.mpg.de/en], Germany), [Sir Peter Ratcliffe|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_J._Ratcliffe] FRS ([University of Oxford|http://www.ox.ac.uk] and the [Crick Institute|https://www.crick.ac.uk], London) and [Thomas Südhof|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_C._S%C3%BCdhof] FRS (Stanford University), have joined FUNCTION as Consulting Editors.''
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For further information please contact [AECardiffHub@cardiff.ac.uk|mailto:AECardiffHub@cardiff.ac.uk]