!!10 members of Academia elected as First Cohort of Fellow
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!In recognition of their __substantial and enduring contributions to the ICT industry__, the [IFIP|https://www.ifipnews.org/ifip-names-first-cohort-fellows-2] (International Federation of Information Processing) elevated 18 members to the new higher status, among them 10 members of Academia Europaea.

IFIP President, __[Professor Mike Hinchey|Member/Hinchey_Michael]__ MAE, welcomed the members to the new grade of Fellow and congratulated them on their achievements"
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“Many of our members play very significant roles in driving innovation, conducting research and industry development,” he said. 
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“These are committed professionals who have helped to shape the ICT sector in a significant way, both through the roles they have played in IFIP Technical Committees (TCs) and Working Groups (WGs), and through their contributions to their various professional domains. IFIP is proud to reward their efforts with recognition as Fellows ...”
!The new Fellows are:

*[Erol Gelenbe|Member/Gelenbe_Erol] MAE (UK)
*[Sir Charles Antony (Tony) Richard Hoare|Member/Hoare_Charles] MAE (UK)
*[Lothar Thiele|Member/Thiele_Lothar] MAE (Switzerland)
*[Grzegorz Rozenberg|Member/Rozenberg_Grzegorz] MAE (Netherlands)
*[Bertrand Meyer|Member/Meyer_Bertrand] MAE (France)
*[Wil van der Aalst|Member/van_der_Aalst_Wil] MAE (Netherlands)
*[John Mylopoulos|Member/Mylopoulos_John] MAE (Canada)
*[Gene Tsudik|Member/Tsudik_Gene] MAE (USA)
*[Roman Slowinski|Member/Słowiński_Roman] MAE (Poland)
*[Leslie G. Valiant|Member/Valiant_Leslie] MAE (British)
!Academia Europaea congratulates all members to this outstanding achievement!
[{Image src='Professor_Gelenbe_43_JCPA_small.jpg' caption='Erol Gelenbe' height='150' alt=''}]
[{Image src='hoare_charles_small.jpg' caption='Sir Charles Antony Hoare' height='150' alt=''}]
[{Image src='thiele_lothar.jpg' caption='Lothar Thiele' height='150' alt='Lothar Thiele'}]
[{Image src='rozenberg_grzegorz01.jpg' caption='Grzegorz Rozenberg' height='150' alt=''}]
[{Image src='meyer_bertrand.jpg' caption='Bertrand Meyer' height='150' alt=''}]
[{Image src='van_der_aalst_small.jpg' caption='Wil van der Aalst' height='150' alt=''}]
[{Image src='mylopoulos_john.jpg' caption='John Mylopoulos' height='150' alt=''}]
[{Image src='Tsudik_Gene.jpg' caption='Gene Tsudik' height='150' alt=''}]
[{Image src='slowinski_roman_small.jpg' caption='Roman Slowinski' height='150' alt=''}]
[{Image src='Valiant_Leslie.jpg' caption='Leslie G. Valiant' height='150' alt=''}]