!!Grants for refugees from Ukraine, formerly employed in scientific institutions - for scientists, scholars and doctors fleeing the war in Ukraine\\ \\

__Academia Europaea__ would like to express its solidarity with Ukrainian members of academic society who fled from war to find in Europe a new place for working and living. As a gesture of unity, the Academy has decided to donate the 2022 resources from Hubert Curien Initiatives Fund to support Ukrainians. The Wrocław Knowledge Hub, based at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, will accept applications for financial support intended for purchasing equipment essential to continue scientific duties in the new circumstances. \\

__Hubert Curien Initiatives Fund__ is a grant system whose purpose is to undertake projects and activities that benefit the academic community and create new initiatives that result in the advancement of scholarship and knowledge. The special committee annually grants seed money for the initiatives undertaken by AE Sections. With the ravaging war in Ukraine and the situation of refugees in mind, the AE Board of Trustees decided to donate that amount to support those academics who settled in the neighbouring countries. Three regional hubs of AE: Wroclaw, Tbilisi and Budapest will share the expenses to support Ukrainians in need. \\

The grants will be donated to refugees who were forced to abandon their workplaces, scientific careers, projects and research and who now stay in Poland. The offered donation is a limited, one-time financial support of __3.000,00 PLN__ per person, with an indication towards purchasing work tools (laptops, programs, etc). To apply for the grant, it is obligatory to fill in the form, available here (www address to be confirmed), providing the personal details and the previous employment confirmation (academic institutions).

The application procedure involves a simple form (this is not a competition), that can be found [here|https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8YyrYKqiaovhCAv-hp4Rl4IYTf9GBHQ2gL4oQwIpQuQKyfw/viewform].
The application requires the acceptance of the [regulations|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/REGULATIONS-HCIF-UKRAINE-PL-ENG-UA-RU.pdf].

If you have any questions, please contact Katarzyna Majkowska from Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub at [majkowska@acadeuro.wroclaw.pl|mailto:majkowska@acadeuro.wroclaw.pl].

[{Image src='HCiF logo.png' caption='' align=center height='150' alt='Hubert Curien Initiatives Fund'}]