!!Professor Erik Swyngedouw received two Honorary Doctorates

__Academia Europaea is pleased to announce the award of two Honorary Doctorates to [Prof. Erik Swyngedouw|Member/Swyngedouw_Erik], member of the Social sciences section of Academia Europaea.__
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The Honorary Doctorates were awarded by the [University of Malmö|https://mau.se/en], Sweden and the [Roskilde University|https://ruc.dk/en], Denmark.
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[{Image src='Swyngedouw_Erik_Honorary_Doctorate_Roskilde_University_2018_small.jpg' caption='Prof. Swyngedouw giving his  honorary doctorate lecture at Roskilde university' height='400' alt='Erik Swyngedouw' align='center'}]

!Academia Europaea congratulates Prof. Swyngedouw to this distinction!