!!Academia Europaea coronavirus emergency working arrangements

__During the corona virus crises, the London Headquarters, the regional hubs and the Graz information centre will have the following operating modes:

!London Headquarters

The London office is closed until the end of April and phone calls will not be answered. The Executive Secretary only will be working remotely and can handle email traffic.
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__Email address: __

![Barcelona Knowledge Hub|http://barcelona.acadeuro.org]

The Barcelona Knowledge Hub is working remotely until at least April 12th, in compliance with recommendations by the local health authorities regarding COVID-19. During this time, no phone calls will be answered. Questions and/or comments may be sent to [barcelona@acadeuro.org|mailto:barcelona@acadeuro.org] and will be answered between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, CET.

![Bergen Knowledge Hub|https://aebergen.w.uib.no]

The Bergen Knowledge Hub has normal working hours and operates remotely.
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__Email contact:__

![Cardiff Knowledge Hub|http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales/2020/03/18/coronavirus-ae-cardiff-update]

The Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub will continue to operate remotely, responding to local conditions and instructions and staff health. Replies to emails and other actions might take longer. No phone calls can be answered. 
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__Email contact:__

![Wroclaw Knowledge Hub|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl]

The Wroclaw Knowledge Hub operates remotely. No phone calls can be anwered.
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__Email contact:__

!Graz Information Centre

The Graz Information Centre has normal working hours and operates remotely. No phone calls can be answered. 
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Email contact: