!!Call for nominations for the 2024 Millennium Technology Prize
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__The [Millennium Technology Prize|https://millenniumprize.org/prize/make-a-nomination] is awarded for groundbreaking technological innovations that benefit people globally and improve life on the planet in a sustainable way. Nominations are welcomed from all fields of technology, excluding military technology.__

!The Call for nominations is open until Tuesday 31 October 2023 at 23:59 (EET). The nominations are submitted via an [online portal|https://nominate.millenniumprize.org].

More information: [https://millenniumprize.org/prize/make-a-nomination].
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If you have questions, please contact Markku Ellilä ([markku.ellila@millenniumprize.org|mailto:markku.ellila@millenniumprize.org]) or Noora Ervelius ([noora.ervelius@millenniumprize.org|mailto:noora.ervelius@millenniumprize.org]) at Technology Academy Finland. 
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