[{Image src='AAG_Gold_Medal_Logo.jpg' caption='' height='165' class='image_right'alt=''}]
[{Image src='Cheng_Qiuming_small.jpg' caption='' height='300' alt='Qiuming Cheng' class='image_left'}]
!!Qiuming Cheng awarded the AAG Gold Medal

[Professor Qiuming Cheng|Member/Cheng_Qiuming], Founding Director, State Key Lab. of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, [China University of Geosciences|https://en.cug.edu.cn/9] and a member of the [Earth and cosmic sciences section|Acad_Main/Sections/Earth_cosmic_sciences] of __Academia Europaea__ has been awarded the [AAG Gold Medal|https://www.appliedgeochemists.org/awards/gold-medal-award] by the [International Association for Applied Geochemists|https://www.appliedgeochemists.org] (AAG).
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The celebration of the award will be held at the [29th International Symposium of Applied Geochemistry|https://iags2021.cl] in Chile in the last week of October 2021.

!The Academy congratulates Prof. Cheng to this distinction! 
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