!!The Academia Europaea has issued a statement in support of member Professor Celâl Şengör
__Statement issued on 15 September 2022__
!From the Board of Trustees

__Support for a statement published by the the Board of Directors of Science Academy [[Bilim Akademisi], Turkey.
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The Trustees of the Academia Europaea have been concerned to learn about the actions taken against our distinguished and longstanding member of our Earth & Cosmic Sciences Section - [Professor Celâl Şengör|Acad_Main/Sections/Earth_cosmic_sciences] (elected to the Academia Europaea in 1990).__
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[{Image src='Sengör_Celal_02.jpg' caption='Professor Celâl Şengör' height='200' alt='Sengör_Celal_02.jpg' align='center'}]
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The Trustees wish to strongly support the observations and assessment of the situation, as expressed very clearly in the statement published by the Board of Directors of the Science Academy (Bilim Akademisi) on the 5th of September and again on the 8th September, 2022 (the English translation).
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We are pleased to confirm our support for our member Celal Şengör and his right to freely express his opinions in matters of academic discourse.
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Published on behalf of the Board of Trustees\\
15 September, 2022
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View the original [Bilim Akademisi statements|https://en.bilimakademisi.org/the-science-academy-statement-on-the-summoning-of-professor-celal-sengor-by-the-public-prosecutor-on-the-complaint-of-the-directorate-of-religious-affairs].
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Download the [statement|Statement on Celal Sengor (Turkey) 15 September 2022.pdf].