[{Image src='Lindahl_Tomas.jpg' caption='' height='168' alt='Tomas lindahl' class='image_left'}]
!!!Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded jointly to [Tomas Lindahl|User/Lindahl_Tomas], a member of Academia Europaea, and Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar for "''for mechanistic studies of DNA repair''".
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[Press release|http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/2015/press.html] by the Nobel Prize office, October 7, 2015
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!!Statement by Prof. Sierd Cloetingh, the president of the Academia Europaea:
"''As President of the Academia Europaea, I am pleased and honoured, to be able to offer up my collective congratulations on behalf of all the members of our Academy and across all disciplines. The achievement of  Nobel recognition, alongside the many other major international prizes, is a celebration of the best in scholarship. That is the driving ethos of this Academy - to seek to support and encourage the very  best in European research and scholarship.''"
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!!Academia Europaea congratulates Prof. Tomas Lindahl to this outstanding distinction!__ 
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[{Image src='2015-nobel-laureates.jpg' caption='' height='124' alt='2015 Nobel Laureates' link='http://www.nobelprize.org'}]