[{Image src='dethloff_nina.jpg' caption='Professor Nina Dethloff' height='300' alt='Nina Dethloff' class='image_left'}]
!!Nina Dethloff appointed to Vice-Chair of the German Science and Humanities Council

__Academia Europaea is pleased to announce that [Professor Nina Dethloff|Member], Chair of the [Law section|Acad_Main/Sections/Law] of Academia Europaea has been appointed to the position of Vice-Chair of the [German Science and Humanities Council|https://www.wissenschaftsrat.de/DE/Home/Buehne/_Inhalte/Inhalte_Online/Vorstand_2022.html] (“Wissenschaftliche Kommission des Wissenschaftsrats”) in Germany.__
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The [Wissenschaftsrat|https://www.wissenschaftsrat.de/DE/Home/home_node.html] (WR; German Science and Humanities Council) is the oldest scientific policy advisory body in Europe and was founded on September 5, 1957 in the Federal Republic of Germany by the federal and state governments. The Council makes recommendations on the development of science, research, and the universities, as well as on the competitiveness of German science. These recommendations involve both quantitative and financial considerations, as well as their implementation. Funding is provided by the federal and state government.
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