[{Image src='Wittrock_Björn.jpg' caption='Prof. Björn Wittrock' height='400' alt='Björn Wittrock' class='image_left'}]
!!Professor Björn Wittrock awarded the Leibniz Medal 2023

__Academia Europaea is pleased to announce the award of the [Leibniz Medal 2023|https://www.bbaw.de/die-akademie/auszeichnungen/medaillen/leibniz-medaille] to [Prof. Björn Wittrock|Member/Wittrock_Björn], Professor Emeritus at [Uppsala University|https://www.uu.se/en] and the Class Chair the Social and Related Sciences Class of Academia Europaea.__ 
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The Leibniz Medal 2023 was bestowed upon Professor Björn Wittrock by the [Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
(BBAW)|https://www.bbaw.de/die-akademie] at a ceremony on its recent Leibniz Day celebrations. He receives the medal as a recogntion of his outstanding contributions not only to the advancement of research within the social sciences and humanities in
Germany and Europe, but also to the international scientific landscape as a whole.
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In addition, Björn Wittrock was recently also awarded the [George Sarton Medal 2023|https://www.ugent.be/ps/sociologie/en/news-events/news/two-sarton-medals-awarded] by [Ghent University|https://www.ugent.be/en] for his important contribution to the history and sociology of science. On the ceremonial occasion, he gave a lecture on the topic of "''Unexpected Affinities: Social Science and Global History, 1910-2020''”.
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Björn Wittrock is a Founding Director and Permanent Fellow of the [Swedish Collegium|http://www.swedishcollegium.se] and was its Principal in the years 1996-2018. He is member of the [Social Change and Social Thought]|Acad_Main/Sections/Social_Change_and_Social_Thought section of Academia Europaea since 2001.
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!!Academia Europaea congratulates Prof. Wittrock to these distinctions!