!!Honorary doctorate of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology\\for Professor Marja Makarow
__[Marja Makarow|Member/Makarow_Marja], President of Academia Europaea and eminent Finnish biochemist and molecular biologist from the [University of Helsinki|https://www.helsinki.fi/en], received an honorary doctorate from the [Wrocław University of Science and Technology|https://pwr.edu.pl/en]. She received the award at a ceremony in the auditorium of the university.__
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[{Image src='Makarow_Marja_Wroclaw_Nov_2023_mk1_3678plaskie-1_cropped.jpg' caption='[Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs|Member/Wójs_Arkadiusz], Rector of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology and Academic Director of the AE Wrocław Knowledge Hub, congratulates Prof. Marja Makarow' width='600' alt='' align='center'}]
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The title of ''doctor honoris causa'' of Wroclaw Tech recognises Prof. Marja Makarow's outstanding achievements in the field of scientific policy and research organisation, including the formulation and implementation of scientific strategies at various levels, the management of renowned scientific institutions and the promotion of innovation and high quality research. Her services to the [Wrocław University of Science and Technology|https://pwr.edu.pl/en] were also recognised.
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The promoter of the honorary doctorate was __[Professor Katarzyna Chojnacka|https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katarzyna_Chojnacka]__ from the Faculty of Chemistry, the Rector's plenipotentiary for European cooperation.
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- ''"Prof Marja Makarov's career is an inspiration to many women in academia. She is not only a renowned scientist, but also a scientific activist of international significance. Expert recommendations confirm the enormous respect she enjoys in the scientific community and her undeniable contribution to the development of science worldwide," she said in her laudation. - However, Prof Makarov's recognition extends beyond academia, as evidenced by her numerous distinctions and awards, which confirm her unique role in the world of science and her constant pursuit of excellence"'', she added.
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__Prof. Katarzyna Chojnacka__ emphasised that the new doctor honoris causa of Wroclaw Tech is not only deeply involved in the development of science at the European level, but was also instrumental in bringing the [Wrocław Hub Academia Europaea|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl] to our university.
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- ''"Thanks to this decision, scientists from Poland, including those from PWr, can more easily collaborate with leading researchers in Europe, which fosters the exchange of knowledge. Prof. Makarow has also played an important role in the process of integrating Wrocław's academic community into Europe. It was thanks to her commitment that the Wrocław University of Science and Technology began efforts to join the Unite! network, which opened the door to broad international cooperation,"'' stressed __Prof. Katarzyna Chojnacka__.
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[{Image src='Marakow_Marja_Wroclaw_Nov_2023_mk1_3733pplaskie_cropped.jpg' caption='Prof. Marja Makarow' width='600' alt='Prof. Marja Makarow' align='center'}]
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- ''"It is a great honour to be able to address you today as the new Wrocław Tech's honoris causa doctor. Among other things, I would like to raise an issue that concerns the scientific community throughout Europe, namely the role of universities in times of conflict and war. Today, geopolitics is very much encroaching on science, and research results have become the target of hostile attacks. National and EU authorities are insisting that universities implement all kinds of measures to, for example, limit the misuse of research and protect data. A new term has even emerged: knowledge security,''" - Prof Marja Makarov said.
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- "All this at a time when we were celebrating the rapid development of vaccines for coronavirus, which was made possible precisely by crossing all borders and international research collaboration. Let us remember that cross-border cooperation increases the quality and impact of research, accelerates the development of society and promotes peace because it is based on natural trust. We cannot renounce this". - she added.
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!About prof. Makarow

Prof. Marja Makarow is the President of __Academia Europaea__, member of the [Biochemistry and Molecular Biology|Acad_Main/Sections/Biochemistry_molecular_biology] section of the Academy since 2009 and a board member of the [European Innovation Council|https://eic.ec.europa.eu/index_en] (EIC).
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She is Professor emerita of Applied Biotechnology and Molecular Biology of the University of Helsinki and was Vice-rector for Research, Researcher Training and Innovation of that University in 2003-2007.
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Thereafter she was Chief Executive of the [European Science Foundation|https://www.esf.org] (ESF) in Strasbourg (2008-2012), implementing cross-border research collaboratoion between 30 European countries, funded by those countires’ public research funding and perforfing agencies.
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Then she was [Academy of Finland’s|https://www.aka.fi/en] (Research Council of Finland) Vice-President for Research (2021-2016). In 2016-2021 she was Director of Biocenter Finland, the umbrella organization of the 5 biocentres of the universities of Eastern Finland, Helsinki, Tampere, Turku/Åbo Akademi and Oulu.
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Marja Makarow is a cell biologist and was member of the Center of Excellence Biocentrum Finland. She discovered molecular mechanisms of folding therapeutic protein in yeast cells. She established and chaired Finland’s largesrt PhD programme in molecular life sciences where she supported some 50 PhD candidates and supervised personally 19 PhD candidates to degree.
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She is former Board member of [European Institute for Innovation and Technology|https://eit.europa.eu] (EIT). She chaired the Board of Technology Academy Finland that awards the global Millenium Technology Prize for ground-breaking innovations, and is member of the evaluation committee of the Spinoza Price for basi research and Stevin Prize for innovations governed by the Dutch Research Council NWO.
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Marja Makarow chaired Board of [NordForsk|https://www.nordforsk.org], a joint platform for cross-border research funding of the 5 Nordic countries Research Councils, governed by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
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She served as Scientific Delegate of Finland in the Council of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL and as President of the European Molecular Biology Conference EMBC/EMBO, and chaired the Board of Helsinki Intitute of Physics HIP that was responsible for Finland’s research activiteis in CERN Geneva. She was member of the Rectors’ Assembly of the League of the European Research Universities LERU that todaay includes the 21 best European universities according to bibliometric data.
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Marja Makarow chaired the Founding Boards of the [Tampere University|https://www.tuni.fi/en] and the Institute for Molecular Medicine FIMM, and was Vice-Chair of the Founding Board of [Aalto University|https://www.aalto.fi/en] and Board member of the University of the Arts Helsinki. She has bee member of the boards and international advisory commitees of a number of top universities of Europe.
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Marja Makarow is Board member of [SAPEA|Acad_Main/Activities/SAPEA], charged to deliver science advice to the European Commision. She has advised the Finnish government in the Prime Minister’s  Research and Innovation Council, and the EU Commissionaires in the European Research Area Board.
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Marja Makarow is ''Doctor Honoris Causa'' of Aalto and Tampere universities, Chevalier de l’Ordre de Legion d’Honner France, and Commander of the Order of the White Rose Finland.
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''Text and photograps published by courtesy of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.''