!!Professor Ole Petersen receives Academia Europaea’s Gold Medal in Barcelona

__Professor Ole Petersen has received the Gold Medal for his contribution to the development of European science at Academia Europaea’s Annual Conference.__
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[Professor Sierd Cloetingh|Member/Cloetingh_Sierd], President of __Academia Europaea__, presented the [Gold Medal|Acad_Main/Activities/Awards_and_Prizes/Gold_Award] to [Professor Petersen|Member/Petersen_Ole] in Barcelona on 20th October, thanking him for his service to the Academy over many decades.
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Addressing the audience, Professor Petersen, Vice-President of __Academia Europaea__ and Academic Director of the [AE Cardiff Knowledge Hub|https://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales], gave his thanks for being awarded the medal and said that it was a huge honour to receive. He also spoke of the “great inspiration” Professor Cloetingh has been to him.
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Following the presentation of the Medal, Professor Petersen reflected on his career in a lecture titled ‘''Science, scientific publishing and scientific advice for policy: 50 years of personal experiences''’.
!About Professor Ole Petersen
Ole Petersen is Professor of Physiology in the [School of Biosciences|https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/biosciences] at [Cardiff University|https://www.cardiff.ac.uk]. As one of the world’s prominent physiologists, he leads a research group on disease of the pancreas. Petersen was elected Fellow of [The Royal Society|https://royalsociety.org] in 2000, Member of the [German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina|https://www.leopoldina.org/en/leopoldina-home] in 2010 and gave the Leopoldina Lecture in 2012. He received the Nordic Insulin Foundation’s [Jacobaeus Prize|https://novonordiskfonden.dk/en/prizes/the-jacobaeus-prize] (1994), the Czech Academy of Sciences’ [Purkynĕ Medal|https://www.avcr.cz/en/about-us/awards/medals-of-the-cas/the-jan-evangelista-purkyne-honorary-medal-for-merit-in-the-biomedical-sciences] (2003) and was appointed [Commander of the Order of the British Empire|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_British_Empire] in 2008 for ‘Services to Science’.
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In 2017, he was elected Honorary Member of the [German Society for Gastroenterology, Digestive & Metabolic Diseases|https://www.interplan.de/en/references/german-society-for-gastroenterology-digestive-and-metabolic-diseases-dgvs-470]. More recently, he received the American Physiological Society’s [Walter B Cannon Memorial Award|https://www.physiology.org/professional-development/awards/researchers/cannon-award?SSO=Y]. Professor Petersen is Vice-President of __Academia Europaea__ and Director of the [AE Cardiff Knowledge Hub|https://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales]. He has been appointed Chief Editor of American Physiological Society’s Open Access flagship journal ‘[Function|https://academic.oup.com/function]’ to be launched 2020.
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