[{Image src='Lindbeck_Assar.gif' caption='' height='300' alt='Assar Lindbeck' class='image_left'}]
!!Assar Lindbeck (1930 - 2020)

__Academia Europaea is greatly saddened to announce the death of [Professor Assar Lindbeck|Member/Lindbeck_Assar] on 28 August 2020. Professor Lindbeck was member of the Academy since 1989 and a valued member of the Economics, Business & Management section. __
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[Professor Klaus Zimmermann|Member/Zimmermann_Klaus], Chair of the Economics, Business  Management section, writes:
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''Assar Lindbeck is best known for his lasting contributions to macroeconomics, in particular to the insider-outsider theory of employment and unemployment and through his artful analysis of the challenges and benefits of the welfare state. His sharp mind and inspiring personality will be greatly missed.''

[Professor Björn Wittrock|Member/Wittrock_Björn], Chair of the Social and Related Sciences class, writes:
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''Assar Allardt was one of the first members of Academia Europaea; he  became member no 191 of AE in 1989. He was a great scholar, a successful president of the Academy of Finland and a person who in his personal life and appearance always displayed modesty.''
[Obituary|https://www.iies.su.se/about-us/faculty-news/in-memory-of-assar-lindbeck], Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University\\

American Institute for Economic Research ( AIER)