!!Professor Arnold Burgen, the founder and first president of Academia Europaea celebrates his 100th birthday

__The membership of the Academia Europaea wish to congratulate our founder and first President, [Professor Arnold Burgen|Member/Burgen_Arnold] MAE FRS (AE Praesidis Perpetui h.c) on his centenary birthday.__
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In 1987-1988 Sir Arnold,  as Foreign Secretary of the [Royal Society|https://royalsociety.org] was the driving force in the creation of the __Academia Europaea__, alongside a number of other like-minded senior European scholars and associated institutions, for example the Royal Society of London, the [Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences|https://www.kva.se/en/startsida], the [Academie des Sciences|https://www.academie-sciences.fr/en], the [Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences|https://www.knaw.nl/en] and the [Leopoldina|https://www.leopoldina.org/leopoldina-home].  Read the [history|Acad_Main/About_us/History] of the __Academia Europaea__.
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Professor  Burgen worked to establish the __Academia Europaea__ and academy covering all the Sciences, Humanities and Social and Societal Sciences. He established our journal [The European Review|Acad_Main/Publications/European_Review] and was Editor-in-Chief for many years. He instigated a number of prize schemes, including our major award the [Erasmus Medal|Acad_Main/Activities/Awards_and_Prizes/Erasmus_Medal].  He also served a chair for the Board of trustees before our re-registration (pre-2010).
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He gave  a short presentation at our 30th anniversary event at the Royal Society, where he was photographed with several of our later Presidents.
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[{Image src='AE 30th anniversay event at the Royal Society 2018 - past Presidents_small.jpg' caption='Arnold Burgen, Lars Walløe, Sierd Cloetingh and Jürgen Mittelstrass' height='450' alt='Arnold Burgen, Lars Walløe, Sierd Cloetingh and Jürgen Mittelstrass' align='center'}]
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We are hoping to organise a one-day celebratory high-level scientific event in Cambridge for late in the year, to mark this milestone.
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We offer Sir Arnold and his wife the former eminent crystallographer [Olga Kennard|Member/Kennard_Olga] (also an AE member in her own right) our thanks and congratulations  and our best wishes for continuing good health. 
!Read Prof. Burgen's article "[Academia Europaea: Origin and Early Days|[Academia_Europaea_origin_and_early_days.pdf]", published in the European Review, Vol. 17, Nos.3&4, 469-475.