!!Adrian Bejan named a recipient of the 2018 Benjamin Franklin Medal
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''The J.A. Jones Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Duke University, [Adrian Bejan|Member/Bejan_Adrian], has been named a recipient of the 2018 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Mechanical Engineering.
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'Bejan was cited for “his pioneering interdisciplinary contributions in thermodynamics and convection heat transfer that have improved the performance of engineering systems, and for constructal theory, which predicts natural design and its evolution in engineering, scientific, and social systems.”
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Bejan joins seven other recipients of the prestigious Franklin Institute Awards, who join a long list of great men and women whose revolutionary discoveries and innovations have significantly transformed our world. These scientists and engineers have made enormous strides in their fields, improving the lives of billions of people across the world, and paving the way for a better future. 
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The Franklin Institute Awards has publicly recognized and encouraged outstanding accomplishments in science and technology since the Institute was founded in 1824. The 2018 recipients join those who came before them - including Nikola Tesla, Marie and Pierre Curie, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Jane Goodall and Bill Gates - in the Institute’s unparalleled history of honoring the greatest minds of the last 194 years. To date, 118 Franklin Institute Awards laureates have also been honored with a Nobel Prize, including one in 2017.' [Duke University|https://pratt.duke.edu/news/bejan-franklin-institute-award]
!Academia Europaea congratulates Prof. Bejan to this distinction!
__Further information:__
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[The Inquirer|http://www.philly.com/philly/health/science/battery-charge-cell-phone-franklin-institute-lithium-ion-crispr-20171107.html]