!!Nominations for the Royal Society Milner Award and Lecture
__Nominations are open for the [Royal Society Milner Award and Lecture|https://royalsociety.org/medals-and-prizes/milner-award] for computer science. The Milner Award is awarded annually to recognise an outstanding European computer scientist, someone who has made a substantial contribution to computer science and who is likely to go on to further top-level achievement.__
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The Royal Society Milner Award and Lecture is supported by Microsoft Research. It is the premier European award for outstanding achievement in computer science.
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The winner will be invited to the [Royal Society|https://royalsociety.org] in London to receive a commemorative medal and deliver a prize lecture on their research. The medal is accompanied by a gift of £5000.
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The Society invites all researchers, industry leaders, universities and research institutes to nominate exceptional computer scientists for this accolade, and to encourage others within the computer science community to do the same.
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__Nominations close on Friday 21 February 2025. The winner will be announced in the summer of 2025.__
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In 2024, the Milner Award and Lecture was awarded to Professor Iryna Gurevych for her major contributions to natural language processing and artificial intelligence. Professor Gurevych’s research combines deep understanding of human language and cognitive faculty with the latest paradigms in machine learning. Professor Gurevych will deliver her prize lecture in 2025.
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The Milner Award is open to European citizens or those who have been residents in Europe for at least 12 months. The award is open to nominations of researchers at any career stage.
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You do not need to be a Fellow of the Royal Society to be nominated for this award. There are no eligibility restrictions for nominators.
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The Milner Award and Lecture is part of the Royal Society’s annual medals and awards programme. 28 medals and awards are open for nominations in this annual cycle, celebrating excellence across the biological, physical and applied sciences.
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More information about the Milner Award and Lecture, nomination guidance and nomination can be found on the [Royal Society website|https://royalsociety.org/medals-and-prizes/milner-award]. 
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Download the [announcement|[DES9163_7_Medals and awards_call for nominations_e-flyer.pdf].