!!ADVANCE NOTICE OF THE DATE AND TIME OF THE 36th Annual General (Business) Meeting of members
__Members are notified that the 36%%sup th/% Annual Business meeting of members will take place in Wroclaw, during the Annual conference of the Academy.
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The AGM is open to all members of the AE, no registration is required. We hope to provide access via zoom for members unable to come to Wroclaw.__

!The AGM will take place on 26th November 2024 at 16:00 – 18:00 CET.

*In accordance with our regulations: Any members wishing to table a motion to be voted on at the AGM must submit their motion in writing (by email) to the [Executive Secretary|mailto:Execsec@acadeuro.org] in London no later than __30th September 2024__.

*An E-ballot of all members will take place in late August/early September for members to vote on several items of Ordinary business. Further information will be provided by e-newsletter.

*The [Draft Agenda and accompanying documentation|Acad_Main/Annual_Business_Meetings] are already available.

!Further communication will be done via e-newsletter. Please make sure your email contact information is up to date and you have not unsubscribed from receiving our newsletters.
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