!!Solar Radiation Modification webinar series
__Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) covers a range of technologies that have the potential to cool the Earth’s climate. SRM is therefore the subject of intense and controversial debate around whether it might provide a means to tackle global warming and the devastating impacts of climate change.
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Following the Scientific Advice Mechanism’s newly published report on [Solar radiation modification|https://scientificadvice.eu/advice/solar-radiation-modification], we are holding a series of webinars in collaboration with the Scientific Advice Mechanism. Each of the four webinars will discuss different aspects and perspectives on the controversial topic of Solar Radiation Modification. These are: (1) Strategy and Policy (2) Social Sciences (3) Technologies and Risks (4) Ethics.__
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!1. Solar radiation modification: What should Europe’s strategy be?
__23rd January 2025, 15:00-16:00 CET (14:00-15:00 UK)__
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What are SRM technologies, what do we know about them, and what are they designed to do? How might they be deployed, what are the risks, and possible consequences? What are the attitudes and interests of stakeholders, such as the public, business and politicians? What strategy and policy should Europe adopt on the research and possible deployment of SRM?
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Join us for this webinar, which is free and open to all.  It is the first in a webinar series that considers the issues around SRM. 


*__Dušan Chrenek__, Principal Adviser, Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission
*[Professor Nebojša Nakićenović|Member/Nakicenovic_Nebojsa] MAE, Deputy Chair, Group of Chief Scientific Advisors
*[Professor Eric Lambin|Member/Lambin_Eric] MAE, Group of Chief Scientific Advisors
*__Professor Johannes Quaas__, Professor of Theoretical Meteorology, Leipzig University; Co-Chair of the SAPEA Working Group
*[Professor Nils-Eric Sahlin|Member/Sahlin_Nils-Eric] MAE, Deputy Chair of the European Group on Ethics in Science and Technologies
*[Professor Benjamin Sovacool|Member/Sovacool_Benjamin] MAE, Director of Institute for Global Sustainability, Boston University; Professor of Energy Policy, University of Sussex; Co-Chair of the SAPEA Working Group
[Register here|https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zMVEie0PThCasf0lFO_FSw#/registration].
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!2. Solar Radiation Modification: What’s at stake for society?
__3rd February 2025, 15:00-16:00 CET (14:00-15:00 UK)__

In this webinar, we examine social science aspects of the SRM debate.
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What are the perspectives and interests of some of the key stakeholders, such as the public, business and political leaders?  How are stories and narratives around SRM developed and presented?  How should SRM activities, including research and (non-)deployment of the technology, be managed and governed?  What stance should the EU take on policy, and in international negotiations on SRM?
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Join us for this interactive webinar, which is free and open to all.  It is the second in a webinar series that considers the issues around SRM.


*__Dušan Chrenek__, Principal Adviser, Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission
*[Professor Benjamin Sovacool|Member/Sovacool_Benjamin] MAE, Director of Institute for Global Sustainability, Boston University; Professor of Energy Policy, University of Sussex; Co-Chair of the SAPEA Working Group
*[Professor Eric Lambin|Member/Lambin_Eric] MAE, Group of Chief Scientific Advisors
*__Professor Aarti Gupta__, Professor of Global Environmental Governance, Wageningen University; Member of the SAPEA Working Group
*__Dr Florian Rabitz__, Chief Researcher of Civil Society and Sustainability Group, Kaunas University; Member of the SAPEA Working Group
[Register here|https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Sra0pIz1Q7KeHjzxHOaMFQ#/registration] 
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!3. Solar radiation modification: What are the technologies, and what are the risks?
__11%%sup th/% March 2025, 14:00-15:00 CET (13:00-14:00 UK)__
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What are the options on SRM technologies, and what are they designed to do? How easily could they be put into operation? What are the risks, and possible impacts of any deployment? What are the main considerations for policymakers?
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Join us for this webinar, which is free and open to all. It is the third in a webinar series that considers the issues around SRM. 


*__Dušan Chrenek__, Principal Adviser, Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission
*__Professor Johannes Quaas__, Professor of Theoretical Meteorology, Leipzig University; Co-Chair of the SAPEA Working Group
*__Professor Nebojša Nakićenović__, Deputy Chair, Group of Chief Scientific Advisors
*__Dr Simone Tilmes__, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, United States, Member of the SAPEA Working Group
*__Dr Gabriel Chiodo__, Institute of Geosciences, Spanish National Research Council, Member of the SAPEA Working Group
[Registration here|https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZuE3jfmuRNuY5OkztjYvhw#/registration].