!!Save the date!
[{Image src='Building-Bridges-2024--logo.jpg' caption='' height='200' alt='Building-Bridges-2024' align='center'}]
!!The 35th Annual Conference of Academia Europaea (AE) in Wrocław, Poland\\and the meeting of Young Academy of Europe (YAE)
!!26th-28th November 2024
!Venue: Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, H-14, D-20 building, Wrocław, Poland
!![Conference website|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl/building-bridges-wroclaw-2024]
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__This year, [Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl] is delighted to host Academia Europaea’s annual conference, Building Bridges. 
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We cordially invite Members of Academia Europaea to join us for Building Bridges 2024, which will take place from 26th-28th November in Wrocław. __
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__Wrocław, with its picturesque charm and rich 1000-year history, is an appealing conference destination. Its central location in Europe and proximity to a number of international airports makes it a convenient meeting place. We’ll update you with logistical information soon.__


Participants can look forward to an exciting programme, featuring distinguished Members of __Academia Europaea__ from Europe and beyond, who will share insights, innovations, and perspectives across various disciplines. From groundbreaking research to interdisciplinary dialogues, the programme is designed to inspire and challenge, providing an engaging platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange. There will be a dedicated welcome ceremony to new members of __Academia Europaea__ elected in 2024.
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We look forward to sharing details of the programme soon.


Registration details will be available soon.
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[{Image src='Wroclaw_church_island.jpeg' caption='Cathedral Island in Wrocław' width='480' alt='Wroclaw' align='center'}]