!!22nd European Bioenergetics Conference 2024 (EBEC2024)
__Date:__ 26th - 31st August 2024\\
__Venue:__ Innsbruck, Austria
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!!Cutting-edge research on mitochondria & chloroplasts, metabolism, and disease
__Members of Academia Europaea are invited to participate in the 22nd European Bioenergetics Conference 2024 (EBEC2024) which takes place in Innsbruck, Austria, from  26th – 31st August 2024. [Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub|https://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales] is co-operating with EBEC24, ''What is Life'', an international conference which takes place at the [University of Innsbruck|https://www.uibk.ac.at/en] this summer. __
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There will be approximately 100 invited lectures from leading life scientists, including the __Nobel laureates__ and __Academia Europaea Members__ (MAEs) [Hartmut Michel|Member/Michel_Hartmut] and [Sir John Walker|Member/Walker_John], as well as several other MAEs ([Paolo Bernardi|Member/Bernardi_Paolo], [Barbara Cannon|Member/Cannon_Barbara], [Fernando Palmieri|Member/Palmieri_Ferdinando], [Ole Petersen|Member/Petersen_Ole] and [Luca Scorrano|Member/Scorrano_Luca]).


[Early Bird registration|https://www.ebec2024.org] is now open (until end of March).