!!Peter Zima
!Short laudatio by Theo D'haen
Peter Zima is without doubt the most eminent literary theoretician working in Austria today. He has held positions in various countries, is fluent in a dozen languages, ranging from Dutch,
French, German and English to various Slavic languages, and has published extensively in the fields of literary theory, sociology, aesthetics, and literary history, covering all major and quite a few minor European literatures. His work has been extensively translated, also beyond Europe. 

Peter Zima has not only served as a mediator between various European traditions, particularly French and German, but has himself to a large extent shaped the field of literary sociology, especially in German-language Europe, with is numerous publications. He is a frequent guest lecturer and visiting professor at universities around the world (most recently in Australia), has supervised numerous PhDs, and is extremely active as an internationally renowned evaluator of research applications, etc. 


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