!!!Valery Ivanovich Zagrebaev
[{Image src='zagrebaev_valeriy.jpg'  alt='Valery Ivanovich Zagrebaev' height='180'}]
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Valery Ivanovich Zagrebaev passed away January 17, 2015.
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*Since 2007 Deputy director of the FLNR, JINR
*2005 - 2007 Head of theoretical and computational sector, FLNR, JINR
*1999 - 2005 Head of theoretical and computational group, FLNR, JINR
*1997 - 1999 Leading research scientist, FLNR, JINR
*1991 - 1997 Professor of theoretical department, ChSU, Theboksary, Russia
*1973 - 1991 Junior research scientist, assistant, senior lecturer, ChSU, Tcheboksary, Russia
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*JINR awards for the following studies:\\
**1998 Structure of 6He: di-neutron bound in the field of 4He
**2002 Experimental and theoretical study of fusion-fission processes of heavy nuclear systems
**2007 Sub-barrier fusion of neutron-rich nuclei and its astrophysical consequences
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Zagrebaev_Valeriy/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Zagrebaev_Valeriy/Publications]
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-->[Highlights of work and anecdotes|User/Zagrebaev_Valeriy/Highlight]
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