!!Yi Wang - Publications
Wang Yi's H-index is 46 according to Google Scholar.   \\
__Some selected publications__\\
1. Pontus Ekberg and Wang Yi:  Uniprocessor Feasibility of Sporadic Tasks with Constrained Deadlines is Strongly coNP-complete. ECRTS 2015 (Best Paper Award) \\
2. Pontus Ekberg and Wang Yi: Uniprocessor Feasibility of Sporadic Tasks Remains coNP-complete Under Bounded Utilization. RTSS 2015.\\
3. Martin Stigge,Wang Yi: Combinatorial Abstraction Refinement for Feasibility Analysis. RTSS 2013: 340-349\\
4. Nan Guan, Wang Yi: Finitary Real-Time Calculus: Efficient Performance Analysis of Distributed Embedded Systems. RTSS 2013: 330-339\\
5.  Building Timing Predictable Embedded Systems . Philip Axer, Rolf Ernst et al.  ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2013.\\
6.  Martin Stigge, Pontus Ekberg, Nan Guan,Wang Yi: The Digraph Real-Time Task Model. IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2011: 71-80 (Best Paper Nomination)\\
7.  Nan Guan, Martin Stigge, Wang Yi, Ge Yu: Fixed-Priority Multiprocessor Scheduling with Liu and\\
Layland’s Utilization Bound. IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2010: 165-174 (Best Paper Nomination)\\
8. Nan Guan, Martin Stigge, Wang Yi, Ge Yu: New Response Time Bounds for Fixed Priority Multiprocessor Scheduling. RTSS 2009: 387-397 (Best Paper Award)\\
9.  Kim G. Larsen, Paul Pettersson, and Wang Yi. UPPAAL in a Nutshell. Int. Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 1(1–2):134–152, October 1997.\\
10. Wang Yi. CCS + time = an interleaving model for real time systems. In Proc. of Int. Colloquium on Algorithms, Languages and Programming, number 510 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer–Verlag, 1991.