!!Mark Walport - Selected Publications
1 Family studies of erythrocyte complement receptor type 1 levels: reduced levels in patients with SLE are acquired, not inherited.   Walport M J,  Ross G D, Mackworth-Young C, Watson J V, Hogg N, Lachmann P J.  Clin Exp Immunol (1985) 59: 547-554.\\
2 Molecular basis of hereditary C3 deficiency. Botto M, Fong K Y, So A K, Rudge A, Walport M J.  J Clin Invest (1990) 86: 1158 - 1163.\\
3 Immune complex processing in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus - in vivo imaging and clearance studies. Davies KA, Peters AM, Beynon HLC, Walport MJ. (1992) J Clin Invest, 90: 2075 - 2083.\\
4 Erythrocyte complement receptor type 1 and interactions between immune complexes, neutrophils and endothelium.  Beynon HLC, Davies KA, Haskard DO, Walport MJ.  J Immunol (1994) 153: 3160-3167.    \\
5 The molecular basis of hereditary complement factor I deficiency.  Vyse TJ, Morley BJ, Bartok I, Theodoridis EL, Davies KA, Webster ADB, Walport MJ.  J Clin Invest (1996) 97: 925-933.\\
6 Multiple lupus susceptibility loci map to chromosome 1 in BXSB mice. Hogarth MB, Slingsby JH, Allen PJ, Thompson EM, Chandler P, Davies KA, Simpson E, Morley BJ, Walport MJ.  J Immunol  (1998) 161: 2753-61.\\
7  Intact B cell tolerance in the absence of the first component of the classical complement pathway. Cutler AJ, Cornall RJ, Ferry H, Manderson AP, Botto M, Walport MJ. Eur J Immunol (2001) 31: 2087-2093.\\
8 Spontaneous hemolytic uremic syndrome triggered by complement factor H lacking surface recognition domains. Pickering MC, de Jorge EG, Martinez-Barricarte R, Recalde S, Garcia-Layana A, Rose KL, Moss J, Walport MJ, Cook HT, de Cordoba SR, Botto M. J Exp Med (2007) 204:1259-1266. \\
9 Factor I is required for the development of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis in factor H-deficient mice. Rose KL, Paixao-Cavalcante D, Fish J, Manderson AP, Malik TH, Bygrave AE, Lin T, Sacks SH, Walport MJ, Cook HT, Botto M, Pickering MC. J Clin Invest (2008) 118:608-618.\\
10 Science and Mathematics Secondary Education for the 21st Century.  Mark Walport (Chair, Science and Learning Expert Group), Julia Goodfellow, Frank McLoughlin, Martin Post, Joan Sjøvoll, Martin Taylor, David Waboso Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2010)