!!Gerhard Vollmer 
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Evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie. Stuttgart: Hirzel 1975, %%sup 8/%2002. Translations into Chinese, Japanese, Russian.\\
Was können wir wissen? Vol.1: Die Natur der Erkenntnis. Vol. 2: Die Erkenntnis der Natur. Stuttgart: Hirzel 1985/86, 21988, 32003. \\
Wissenschaftstheorie im Einsatz. Stuttgart: Hirzel 1993. \\
Auf der Suche nach der Ordnung. Stuttgart: Hirzel 1995. \\
Biophilosophie. Stuttgart: Reclam 1995. \\
Wieso können wir die Welt erkennen? Stuttgart: Hirzel 2003\\
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__In preparation__
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Denkzeuge: Algorithmen, Gehirne, Computer Erfahrung und Hypothese. Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie für Naturwissenschaftler 
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Denken unterwegs. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft 1992\\
Der Mensch in seiner Welt  Anthropologie heute. Trias 1994\\
Was sind und warum gelten Naturgesetze? Klostermann 2000 \\
Fakten statt Normen? Nomos 2004\\
Naturalismus: Positionen, Perspektiven, Probleme. Mohr Siebeck 2007\\
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__Papers in English__
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83/2 __Mesocosm and Objective Knowledge - On Problems Solved by Evolutionary Epistemology__. \\
In F. M. Wuketits (ed.): Concepts and approaches in evolutionary epistemology. \\
Dordrecht: Reidel 1983, pp. 69-121
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83/3 __Kant and Evolutionary Epistemology.__\\
Proc. 7th International Wittgenstein-Symposium, August 1982 (Kirchberg am Wechsel/ Austria).\\
Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky 1983, 185-197
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84/6 __New Problems for an Old Brain - Synergetics, Cognition, and Evolutionary Epistemology.__ \\
In E. Frehland (ed.): Synergetics - form microscopic to macroscopic order. Springer 1984, 250-8
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84/7 __Reduction and Evolution - Arguments and Examples.__\\
In W. Balzer, D. Pearce, H.J. Schmidt (eds.): Reduction in Science. Structures, Examples, Philosophical Problems. Dordrecht: Reidel 1984, 131-152
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87/1 __What Evolutionary Epistemology is not.__\\
In W. Callebaut, R. Pinxten (eds.): Evolutionary Epistemology: A Multiparadigm Program. \\
Dordrecht: Reidel 1987, 203-221
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87/4 __The status of the theory of evolution in the philosophy of science.__\\
In A.R. Peacocke, S. Andersen (eds.): Evolution and creation. A European perspective.\\
Aarhus: Aarhus University Press 1987, 70-77
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87/7 __On supposed circularities in an empirically oriented epistemology.__\\
In G. Radnitzky, W.W. Bartley III (eds.): Evolutionary epistemology, rationality. and the sociology of knowledge. Lasalle (Ill.): Open Court 1987, ch. 8, 163-200 
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87/8 __The unity of science in an evolutionary perspective.__\\
In G. Radnitzky (ed.): Centripetal forces in the sciences. Vol. I. New York: Paragon 1987, 171-206
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89/1 __The concept of evolution as a synthetic tool in science. Its strengths and limits.__ \\
In W.A. Koch (ed.): The nature of culture (Symposium Bochum 1986). \\
Bochum: Brockmeyer 1989, 500-520\\
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92/2 __The mirror´s reflections: Lorenz and evolutionary epistemology.__\\
Evolution and Cognition 2 (1992/1) 161-176
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92/15 __Evolution and projection. Approaches to a modern epistemology.__\\
Universitas (engl. Ausgabe) 34 (2/1992) 114-126  (translated by Philip Mattson)
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92/19 __Order into chaos? How scientific knowledge shapes our world view.__ \\
Universitas (engl. Ausgabe) 34 (4/1992) 256-267
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94/2 __On the limits of human knowledge.__
Universitas (engl. Ausgabe) 36 (1/1994) 1-11 (translated from German by Joyce und Francis Steele)
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94/8 __The limits of biology. __\\
In D. Prawitz, B. Skyrms and D. Westerstål (eds.): Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science IX. (Proc. Int. Congress of LMPS, Uppsala 1991). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science 1994, 659-676 
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95/10 __Naturalism, Function, Teleonomy. __\\
Comments on Gibbard’s „Human Moral Assessment: Method, Hypotheses, Puzzles“.\\
In G. Wolters, J.G. Lennox (eds.): Concepts, theories, and rationality in the biological sciences. \\
Second Pittsburgh-Konstanz Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science (Oct. 1993). \\
Universitätsverlag Konstanz / University of Pittsburgh Press 1995, 295-304
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98/4(With Wolfgang Buschlinger and Henrik Walter) \\
__The mental life of artifacts. Explications, questions, arguments. __
In Hennig Stieve (Hrsg.): Natural organisms, artificial organisms, and their brains. Proceedings of an International Workshop at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Bielefeld (ZiF), März 1998. \\
Special Issue of Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 53 (July/August 1998) 455-479. 
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98/5 (With Rupert Schmidt u.a.) __Group report: Influence of brain and computer design on the performance of natural and artificial organisms.__ \\
In Hennig Stieve (Hrsg.): Natural organisms, artificial organisms, and their brains. Proceedings of an International Workshop at the Center for interdisciplinary research. Special Issue of Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 53 (July/August 1998) 752-764. 
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00/6 Why does mathematics fit nature? The problem of application\\
In: V. Gómez Pin (ed.): Physis: From Greek Thought to Quantum Mechanics. (III. International Ontology Congress, San Sebastián 1998). Ontology Studies. Cuadernos de Ontología. Bilbao 2000, 251-260
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04/1 New arguments in evolutionary epistemology. \\
In Francisco J. Ayala (ed.): Ernst Mayr 1904. Ludus Vitalis XII, No. 21 (2004) 197-212
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05/4 __How is it that We Can Know this World? – New Arguments in Evolutionary Epistemology__\\
In Vittorio Hösle and Christian Illies (eds.): Darwinism and philosophy. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press 2005, 259-274
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07/4 __Can everything be rationally explained everywhere in the world?__\\
In Georg Gasser (ed.): How successful is naturalism? Frankfurt: Ontos 2007, 25-48
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__In press:__
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10/ __Invariance and objectivity__\\
In Paul Busch (ed.): Honorary volume for Peter Mittelstaedt (80)
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10/ __Could I have done otherwise? Naturalism, responsibility, and punishment__ \\
In Ulrich Frey, Charlotte Störmer, Kai Willführ (eds.): Homo novus – a human without illusions. \\
For Eckart Voland to his 60th birthday. Berlin: Springer 2010
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10/ __Between biology and philosophy: our knowledge of the real world__\\
In: Friedrich G. Barth, Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, Hans-Dieter Klein (eds.): Sensory perception – mind and matter. Wien, New York: Springer 2010