!!Jan Vaagen

*1964-70	University of Bergen (UiB), Norway
*1970	Cand.Real., UiB
*1977      	Dr.Philos. (habilitation) UiB
*1998      	Hon.Prof. St.Petersburg University, Russia
*1971-72 Research assistant, UiB
*1972-73 NORDITA stipendiate, Copenhagen, Denmark
*1973-76 Research associate and lecturer, Yale Univ., U.S.A.
*1976-78 NORDITA stipendiate, Copenhagen, Denmark
*1979-	Associate Professor and full Professor, UiB
*1990	Co-founder and Coordinator of the RNBT (Russian-Nordic-British Theory) collaboration
*2003	Academia Europaea representative in EASAC’s Energy Steering Panel 
*2005	Co-founder of Energy Forum EF, Bergen, (Chair 2011-)
*Member of boards and advisory groups, such as at NORDITA, ECT*(Trento) and CERN
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''Comprehensive scientific production – often cited. Some highlights:'' 
*1993	RNBT coins the name Borromean halo nuclei, and publishes (Phys.Rep.231) the underlying theory. A highly cited paper, in 2004 among the top-ten published in Physics Reports in the previous decade.    
*1999	The paper ‘Di-neutron configuration of 6He’, Phys.Rev.Lett.82(4996) with two Russian colleagues, made it to the top of the AIP(USA) June ranking.
*2005	Promoter (with some success) of energy related and cross-disciplinary  science (physics) within Academia Europaea, European Physical Society, UiB and industries.