!!Michael Tåhlin - List of publications
__Recent working papers__
*2011. “Class, occupation, wages and skills: The iron law of labor market inequality.” Working paper, Department of Sociology and Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University. 
*Forthcoming (2012), Comparative Social Research. (With Carl le Grand.) 
*2009. “A tale of two distinctions: The significance of job requirements and informal workplace training for the training gap.” Working paper, Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm  University. (With Tomas Korpi.) 
*2008. “Asset specificity, labor market outcomes, and policy preferences.” Working paper, Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University. 
__Articles in international journals and readers__
*2011. “Laissez-moi ma liberté. Pour une sociologie pluraliste.” (“Don’t fence me in: For a pluralistic sociology.”) Commentaire, no. 136, pp. 1177-82.  
*2011. “Changing work-life inequality in Sweden: Globalization and other causes.” Pp. 177-208 in  Blossfeld, H-P, S. Buchholz, D. Hofäcker and K. Kolb (eds.) Globalized Labour Markets and Social Inequality in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (With Tomas Korpi.) 
*2011. “Vertical differentiation of  work tasks: Conceptual and measurement issues.” Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, vol. 3, pp. 55-70. 
*2010. “Globalization and uncertainty: Earnings volatility in Sweden, 1985-2003.” Industrial Relations, vol. 49, pp. 165-189. (With Martin Hällsten and Tomas Korpi.) 
*2009. “Educational mismatch, wages, and wage growth: Overeducation in Sweden 1974-2000.” Labour Economics, vol.16, pp.183-193. (With Tomas Korpi.) 
*2007. “Class clues.” European Sociological Review, vol. 23, pp. 557-572. 
*2007. “Skills and wages in European labour markets: Structure and change.” Pp. 35-76 in Gallie, D. (ed.) Employment Regimes and the Quality of Work. Oxford: Oxford University Press.  
*2006. “The impact of globalization on men’s labor market mobility in Sweden.” Pp. 149-77 in Blossfeld, H-P, M. Mills, F. Bernardi (eds.) Globalization, Uncertainty, and Men’s Careers. An International Comparison. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (With Tomas Korpi.)
*2005. ”Education and inequality in Sweden: A literature review.” Pp. 321-360 in Education and Wage Inequality in Europe, eds. Asplund, R. and E. Barth. Helsinki: ETLA / EDWIN. (With Carl le Grand and Ryszard Szulkin.) 
*2004. “Do opposites attract? How inequality affects mobility in the labor market”, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, vol. 20, pp. 255-282. 
*2002. ”Job mobility and earnings growth.” European Sociological Review, vol. 18, pp. 381-400. (With Carl le Grand.) 
*2001. ”Institutional determinants of employment chances: The structure of unemployment in France and Sweden.” European Sociological Review, vol. 17, pp. 233-254. (With Thomas A. DiPrete, Dominique Goux, and Eric Maurin.) 
*1997. “Collectivist vs. individualist mobility regimes? Structural change and job mobility in four countries”, American Journal of Sociology, vol. 103, pp. 318-358. (With Thomas A. DiPrete,  Paul M. de Graaf, Ruud Luijkx, and Hans-Peter Blossfeld.) 
*1995. ”Why do some employers pay more than others? Earnings variation across establishments in Sweden”, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, vol. 14, pp. 265-296. (With Carl le Grand and Ryszard Szulkin.) 
*1994. ”Organizational structures and job rewards in Sweden”, Acta Sociologica, vol. 37, pp. 231-251. (With Carl le Grand and Ryszard Szulkin.) 
*1993. ”Class inequality and post-industrial employment in Sweden”, chapter 4 (pp. 80-108) in EspingAndersen, Gøsta (ed.)Changing Classes. Stratification and Mobility in Post-Industrial Societies. London: Sage. 
*1993. ”Class mobility in a Swedish city”, chapter 9 (pp. 181-213) in Hansen, Erik Jørgen, Stein Ringen, Hannu Uusitalo, and Robert Erikson (eds.) Scandinavian Trends in Welfare and Living Conditions. New York: M.E. Sharpe. 
*1991. ”Compensating and reinforcing wage differences in the Swedish labor market”, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, vol. 10, pp. 257-287. 
*1990. ”Politics, dynamics and individualism. The Swedish approach to level of living research”, Social Indicators Research, vol. 22, pp. 155-180. 
*1989. ”The value and costs of work: a study of the consequences of wage labour for the individual”, European Sociological Review, vol. 5, pp. 115-131. 
*1987. ”Coexistence of welfare problems”, chapter 14 (pp. 257-280) in Erikson, Robert and Rune Åberg (eds.) Welfare in Transition. A Survey of Living Conditions in Sweden 1968-1981. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (With Robert Erikson.) 
*1987. ”Leisure and recreation”, chapter 13 (pp. 233-256) in Erikson, Robert and Rune Åberg (eds.) Welfare in Transition. A Survey of Living Conditions in Sweden 1968-1981. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 
__Monographs and edited books__
*1996. Sveriges arbetsplatser - Organisation, personalutveckling, styrning. Andra upplagan. (Establishments in Sweden - Organization, Personnel Development, Control. Second edition. First edition, 1993.) Stockholm: SNS Förlag. Carl le Grand, Ryszard Szulkin, and Michael Tåhlin (eds.). 
*1987. Arbetets värde och kostnader. En studie av lönearbetets konsekvenser för individen. (The Value and Costs of Work. A Study of the Consequences of Wage Labor for the Individual.) Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University. Almqvist & Wiksell International / Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Dissertation series, no. 2. 
*1985. Fritid i välfärden. Svenska folkets fritids- och kulturvanor. (Leisure and Welfare. Patterns of leisure and cultural activities in Sweden.) Stockholm: RSFH:s förlag. 
__Articles in Swedish journals and readers__
*2009. ”En generell förklaring till ojämlikhet i arbetslivet”. (”A general explanation of labor market inequality.”) Pp. 38-61 in Från klass till organisation; En resa genom det sociala landskapet (From Class to Organization; A Journey through the Social Landscape), eds. C. Roman and L. Udéhn. Malmö: Liber. (With Carl le Grand.) 
*2007. “Överutbildningen i Sverige: utveckling och konsekvenser.” (“Overeducation in Sweden: development and consequences.”) Pp. 70-89 in Utbildningsvägen – vart leder den? Om ungdomar, yrkesutbildning och försörjning (The Education Road – Where Does it Lead? On Youth, Vocational Scooling, and Employment.), ed. J. Olofsson. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. 
*2004. ”Överutbildning eller kompetensbrist? Matchning på den svenska arbetsmarknaden 1974-2000” (”Overeducation or skill shortage? Matching in the Swedish labor market 1974-2000”). Pp. 283-321 in Familj och arbete. Vardagsliv i förändring. (Family and Work. Everyday Life in Transition.) eds. Bygren, M., M. Gähler, and M. Nermo. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. (With Carl le Grand and Ryszard Szulkin.) 
*2004. “Arbetslivet halkar efter: de enkla jobben försvinner inte” (“Working life is slipping behind: the simple jobs are not disappearing”), Sociologisk Forskning (Sociological Research – Journal of the Swedish Sociological Association), vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 27-33. (With Carl le Grand and Ryszard Szulkin.) 
*2002. ”Har jobben blivit mer kvalificerade? Kvalifikationskravens förändringar i Sverige under tre decennier” (”Has the skill content of jobs increased? Changes in skill demand in Sweden during three decades”), chapter 8 (pp. 159-182) in Abrahamsson, Kenneth, Lena Abrahamsson, Torsten Björkman, Per-Erik Ellström, and Jan Johansson (eds.) Utbildning, kompetens och arbete (Education, Competence, and Work). Lund: Studentlitteratur. (With Carl le Grand and Ryszard Szulkin.) 
*2002. ”Ojämlikhet och rörlighet på arbetsmarknaden” (”Inequality and mobility in the labor market”), chapter 13 (pp. 333-370) in Ahrne, Göran and Richard Swedberg (eds.) Ekonomin i samhället (The Economy in Society). Lund: Studentlitteratur. 
*2001. ”Lönestrukturens förändring i Sverige” (”Changes in the Swedish wage structure”), chapter 4 (pp. 121-173) in Fritzell, Johan, Michael Gähler, and Olle Lundberg (eds.) Välfärd och arbete i arbetslöshetens årtionde (Welfare and work in a decade of unemployment), SOU 2001:53. Stockholm: Fritzes. (With Carl le Grand and Ryszard Szulkin.) 
*2001. ”Har jobben blivit bättre? En analys av arbetsinnehållet under tre decennier” (”Have the jobs become better? An analysis of the content of work during three decades”), chapter 3 (pp. 79-119) in Fritzell, Johan, Michael Gähler, and Olle Lundberg (eds.) Välfärd och arbete i arbetslöshetens årtionde (Welfare and work in a decade of unemployment), SOU 2001:53. Stockholm: Fritzes. (With Carl le Grand and Ryszard Szulkin.) 
*2001. ”30 års arbetsmiljösatsning – till vad nytta?” (”30 years of work environment reform – of what use?”, Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv (Labor Markets and Working Life), vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 129-139. 
*1996. “Arbetsplatsstruktur och löneskillnader - Varför betalar vissa arbetsgivare mer än andra?” (”Workplace structure and wage differences – Whay do some employers pay more than ohers?”), chapter 8 (pp. 210-35) in le Grand, Carl, Ryszard Szulkin, and Michael Tåhlin (eds.) Sveriges arbetsplatser - Organisation, personalutveckling, styrning. Andra upplagan. (Establishments in Sweden - Organization, Personnel Development, Control. Second edition.) Stockholm: SNS Förlag. (With Carl le Grand and Ryszard Szulkin.) 
*1996. “Bakom arbetsplatsernas portar” (”Behind workplace doors”), chapter 1 (pp. 11-20) in le Grand, Carl, Ryszard Szulkin, and Michael Tåhlin (eds.) Sveriges arbetsplatser - Organisation, personalutveckling, styrning. Andra upplagan. (Establishments in Sweden - Organization, Personnel Development, Control. Second edition.) Stockholm: SNS Förlag. (With Carl le Grand and Ryszard Szulkin.) 
*1996. “Psychosocial factors”, chapter 4 (pp. 21-25) in Järvholm, B. (ed.) Working Life and Health; A Swedish Survey. Stockholm: Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Rådet för arbetslivsforskning / Swedish Council for Worklife Research. 
*1996. “Psykosociala faktorer i arbetet”, chapter 4 (pp. 34-41) in Järvholm, B. (ed.) Arbetsliv och hälsa - en kartläggning. (Working Life and Health.) Stockholm: Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Rådet för arbetslivsforskning. 
*1994. ”Arbetets utveckling” (”The development of work”), chapter 4 (pp. 87-116) in Fritzell, Johan och Olle Lundberg (eds.) Vardagens villkor. Levnadsförhållanden i Sverige under tre decennier(Everyday Life. Living Conditions in Sweden during Three Decades.) Stockholm: Brombergs. (With Ryszard Szulkin.) 
*1993. ”Arbetsplatsstrukturens inverkan på individernas löner” (”The impact of workplace structure on individual wages”), chapter 8 (pp. 196-221) in le Grand, Carl, Ryszard Szulkin, and Michael Tåhlin (eds.) Sveriges arbetsplatser - Organisation, personalutveckling, styrning (Establishments in Sweden - Organization, Personnel Development, Control). Stockholm: SNS Förlag. (With Carl le Grand and Ryszard Szulkin.) 
*1993. ”Marknad, organisation och kontroll – Omvandlingen av arbetskraft till arbete” (”Markets, organizations, and control – The transformation of labor power to labor”), chapter 5 (pp. 103-138) in le Grand, Carl, Ryszard Szulkin, and Michael Tåhlin (eds.) Sveriges arbetsplatser - Organisation, personalutveckling, styrning (Establishments in Sweden - Organization, Personnel Development, Control). Stockholm: SNS Förlag. 
*1991. ”Arbetslivets ojämlikhet i postindustrialismens Sverige” (”Work-life inequality in post-industrial Sweden”), Sociologisk Forskning (Sociological Research – Journal of the Swedish Sociological Association), vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 3-33. 
*1990. ”Levnadsbanor och deras förändring – mobilitet och stabilitet i klasstrukturen” (”Life careers and their change – mobility and stability in the class structure”), chapter 10 (pp. 337-380) in Åberg,Rune (ed.) Industrisamhälle i omvandling (Industrial Society in Transition). Stockholm: Carlssons förlag. 
*1990. ”Teoretiska perspektiv på social förändring” (”Theoretical perspectives on social change”), chapter 3 (pp. 71-101) in Åberg, Rune (ed.) Industrisamhälle i omvandling (Industrial Society in Transition). Stockholm: Carlssons förlag. (With Rune Åberg.) 
*1989. ”Psykosociala arbetsvillkor och nedsatt hälsa i olika yrkesgrupper i Sverige. En analys på grundval av Levnadsnivåundersökningen 1981” (Psychosocial working conditions and ill health in different occupational groups in Sweden. An analysis of the Level of living survey 1981”), in Vågerö, Denny (ed.) Arbeten utsatta för särskilda hälsorisker (Jobs exposed to special health risks); Kartläggningsgruppens rapport till Arbetsmiljökommissionen (Report to the Government Commission on Work Environment.) Stockholm: Allmänna förlaget.
*1987. ”Omorienteringar i svensk sociologi. En studie av artiklar i Sociologisk Forskning 1964-1985” (”Reorientations in Swedish sociology. A study of articles in Sociologisk Forskning 1964-1985”), Sociologisk Forskning (Sociological Research – Journal of the Swedish Sociological Association), vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 61-83. (With Janne Jonsson.) 
*1987. ”Svensk sociologi 1964-1985” (”Swedish sociology 1964-1985”), pp. 107-143 in Allardt, Erik, Sverre Lysgaard, and Aage B. Sørensen (eds.) Sociologin i Sverige. Vetenskap, miljö och organisation. (Sociology in Sweden. Science, Environment, and Organization.) Stockholm: Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSFR/UHÄ). (With Janne Jonsson.) 
*1987. ”Handlingsutrymme, anspråksnivå och välfärdsmätningar” (”Scope of action, aspiration levels, and the measurement of welfare”), pp. 66-91 in Hägg, Ingemund and Lennart Arvedson (eds.) Livschanser och välfärd (Life Chances and Welfare). Stockholm: SNS Förlag. 
*1984. ”Samgång mellan välfärdsproblem” (”Coexistence of welfare problems”), chapter 16 (pp. 350-375). in Erikson, Robert and Rune Åberg (eds.) Välfärd i förändring. Levnadsvillkor i Sverige 1968-1981. (Welfare in Transition.) Stockholm: Prisma. (With Robert Erikson.) 
*1984. ”Fritid och rekreation” (”Leisure and recreation”), chapter 14 (pp. 303-333) in Erikson, Robert and Rune Åberg (eds.) Välfärd i förändring. Levnadsvillkor i Sverige 1968-1981. (Welfare in Transition.) Stockholm: Prisma. 
*1983. ”Aktiviteter och relationer – Om välfärd som livskvalitet” (Activities and relations – On welfare as quality of life”), Sociologisk Forskning (Sociological Research – Journal of the Swedish Sociological Association), vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 30-49. 
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