!!Roger Stalley- Curriculum Vitae

*2011             Professor Emeritus, Trinity College, Dublin. 
*2008-2010       Head of the School of Histories and Humanities, Trinity College, Dublin
*2001-2004       University Registrar, Trinity College Dublin.
*1990-2010   Professor of the History of Art, Trinity College Dublin.
*1987-1989         Associate Professor in History of Art, Trinity College, Dublin.
*1969-1987       Lecturer in the History of Art, Trinity College, Dublin.
*1985             Fellow, National Humanities Center, North Carolina
*1975-1976          Fellow, Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University, Belfast 
*1969             MA in History of European Art, Courtauld Institute, London
*1967             BA Modern History, University of Oxford (Worcester College) 
__Invited Lectures:__ 
*lectures to international conferences and university audiences in a wide range of countries, including Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, the United States and Canada. Invited speaker on numerous occasions within Ireland at conferences and meetings sponsored by both national and local societies.
__Public Service on Irish state boards, include__ 
*The Chester Beatty Library, Board of Trustees, Permanent nominee of the President of Ireland, 1993 -
*Dublin Institute of Technology: Governing Board (2002-4)
*University of Dublin, Governing Board, 2001-04
*The Irish Architectural Archive
*The Douglas Hyde Gallery (1990-3)
__International Boards and committees, include__
*1986-9, 1992-5, 2002-05 International Center of Medieval Art (New York), Foreign Advisor 
*Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in Britain and Ireland
*Comité International de l’Histoire de l’Art.  Membre titulaire 
*2001-04 Society of Antiquaries of London, Council
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