!!Bernard Silverman
According to a survey published in the Higher Education Guardian, Bernard Silverman was the third most cited British
mathematician in the period 1981 to 2000. In the field of mathematics, he had the largest number of “highlycited”
papers (defined as those in the top 1% of cited papers in the field.)
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__Books (selected)__
*Functional Data Analysis by J. O. Ramsay and B. W. Silverman. Springer, 2005. (Second edition, substantially expanded and rewritten)\\
*Applied Functional Data Analysis: Methods and Case Studies by J. O. Ramsay and B. W. Silverman. Springer, 2002.   Click here for a site containing further background material for each chapter, including data sets, and further details of the various analyses.\\
* Wavelets: The Key to Intermittent Information? edited by B. W. Silverman and J. C. Vassilicos. Oxford University Press, 2000.\\
* Nonparametric Regression and Generalized Linear Models: A Roughness Penalty Approach by P. J.Green and B. W. Silverman. Chapman and Hall, 1994.\\
* Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis by B. W. Silverman. Chapman and Hall, 1986
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