!!David Sherrington - Curriculum Vitae
Place of birth:   Blackpool, Lancashire, England   \\
Nationality:  British\\

__Secondary education:__\\
*St Mary’s College, Middlesbrough
__University education:__
*University of Manchester;\\
*B.Sc. (1st class Hons. Physics 1962);\\
*Dip.Adv.Stud.Sci (Theoretical Physics, Distinction 1963)\\
*Ph.D. (Theoretical Physics 1966) 
__Professional Fellowships:__ 
*Fellow of Institute of Physics 1974\\
*Fellow of American Physical Society 1985\\
*Fellow of Royal Society 1994\\
*Fellow of European Academy of Sciences 2008 
__Recent prizes:__   
*Dirac Medal & Prize (IOP) 2007 (premier in theoretical physics)\\
*Blaise Pascal Medal in Physics, Eur.Acad. Sci. 2010\\
__Prize Lecture:__ 
*Royal Society Bakerian 2001 (premier in physical sciences)\\
*Recent Special Lectures:  Scott Lectures (Cambridge) 2009 (very prestigious, previous 5 lecturers all Nobel Laureates)\\
__Academic appointments:__ 
*Univ.  Manchester (Asst. Lecturer, Lecturer 1964-69)\\
*Univ. California, San Diego (Asst. Res. Phys.1967-69)\\
*Imperial College, London (Lect., Reader, Professor 67-89)\\
*Univ. Oxford (Wykeham Prof Phys 1989-2008, Head Theo.Phys, 1989- 2004)\\
*External Professor, Santa Fe Institute (2004- ) 
__Professional appointments:__ 
*IBM Watson Res. Center, Yorktown Hts., USA 1975\\
*Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France 1976, 77-79\\
*Schlumberger-Doll Research, Ridgefield, CT, USA 1985\\
*Los Alamos National Lab., USA (Ulam Scholar) 1995-96\\
*Chairman, Physics Division, European Academy of Sciences 2010-
__Journal editor:__  
*Communications on Physics (founding co-editor 1975-77)\\
*Advances in Physics (Editor 1981-) ISI Impact Factor 21.214 (4/368 all physics worldwide)\\
*Journal of Physics A: Math & Gen. (1989-93)
__Book series editor:  __
*Oxford Monographs in Physics (Joint editor 1995-)\\
*Delegate:   Oxford University Press 2001- 2006 \\
*Sub-Warden, New College Oxford 2006-7\\
*International chairman, several EU, ESF and RS networks.\\
*Co-Director, several NATO ASI