!!Siegfried Selberherr
On April 30, 2014, Prof. Siegfried Selberherr was presented with the [Bulgarian Academy of Sciences'|http://www.bas.bg/академични-новини/събития/7937-почетен-знак-на-бан-за-проф-зигфрид-зелберхер-водещ-учен-в-областта-на-изчислителната-микроелектроника] highest academic award, the "Prof. Marin Drinov Medal on a ribbon".\\
[Press release|http://www.tuwien.ac.at/aktuelles/news_detail/article/8767] by the Vienna University of Technology (in German).
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[{Image src='Selberherr Präsident Stefan Vodenicharov_small.jpg' caption='Siegfried Selberherr and Stefan Vodenicharov, the President of the Bulgarian Academy of Science' height='350' alt='Siegfried Selberherr' class='image_block'}]
[{Image src='Selberherr_Akademie_small.jpg' caption='Siegfried Selberherr' height='350' alt='Siegfried Selberherr' class='image_block'}]
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[{Image src='selberherr_Urkunde_small.jpg' caption='The certificate of the award' height='500' alt='selberherr_Urkunde_small.jpg' align='center'}] 

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