!!David Saurí - Selected publications
Rico, A.M., Olcina, J., Saurí, D. 2009 Tourist land use patetrns and water demand: Evidence from the Western Mediterranean\\
Land Use Policy, 26(2) 493-501.\\
Impact Factor (SCI/SSCI): 2.346 Quartile and subject area(SCI/SSCI): 1, Environmental Studies\\
Domènech, L., Saurí, D. 2010 A comparative appraisal of the use of rainwater harvesting in single and multi-family buildings of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (Spain): Social experience, drinking water savings and economic cost, Journal of Cleaning Production, 19(6-7), 598-608\\
Impact factor(SCI/SSCI): 3.398 Quartile and subject area (SCI/SSCI): 1, Environmental Sciences\\
Domenech, L ., March, H. and Sauri D. 2011 Degrowth initiatives in the urban water sector? A Social Multi-criteria Evaluation of non-conventional water alternatives in Metropolitan Barcelona, Journal of Cleaner Production , 38 , 44- 55.\\
Impact Factor (SCI/SSCI): 3.398 Quartile and subject area(SCI/SSCI): 1, Environmental Sciences.\\
Gorostiza, S., March, H. and Sauri, D 2013 Servicing customers in revolutionary times. The experience of the collectivized Barcelona Water Company during the Spanish Civil War, Antipode, 45(4), 908-925.\\
Impact factor  (SCI/SSCI): 2.430 Quartile and subject area  (SCI/SSCI): 1, Geography\\
Domènech,L., March, H., Sauri, D 2013 Contesting large-scale water supply projects at both ends of the pipe in Kathmandu and Melamchi Valleys, Nepal, Geoforum , 47, 22-31.\\
Impact Factor  (SCI/SSCI): 2.425 Quartile and subject area (SCI/SSCI): 1, Geography\\
Garcia-Acosta, X. LLausas-Pascual, A., Ribas, A., Saurí, D. 2013 Socio-demographic profiles in suburban developments: Implications for water-related attitudes and behaviors along the Mediterranean coast, Applied Geography, 41, 46-54.\\
Impact Factor (SCI/SSCI): 2.779 Quartile and subject area(SCI/SSCI): 1, Geography\\
Sauri, D. 2013  Water conservation: Theory and evidence in urban areas of the developed world, Annual Review of Environment and Resources , 38; 227-248.\\
Impact factor (SCI/SSCI): 4.968 Quartile and area(SCI/SSCI): 1, Environmental Sciences\\
Rico, A.M., .Sauri, D. , Olcina,J. and Vera, J.F. 2013  Beyond megaprojects?. Water alternatives for mass tourism in coastal Mediterranean Spain, Water Resources Management, 27(2), 557-565.\\
Impact factor (SCI/SSCI): 2.259 Quartile and subject area (SCI/SSCI): 1, Water\\
Saurí, D. del Moral, L. 2012: Governance of Large Hydraulic Infrastructure in Spain: A Historical Approach, in Katko,T.S., Juuti, P.S. and Schwartz, K. (eds): Water Services Management and Governance. London: IWA (43-52).\\
Saurí, D., March, H. et Gorostiza, S. 2013: Amener l'eau a Barcelone, in Deutsch, J.C. et  Gautheron, I. (coords): Eaux pour la ville, eaux des villes. Eugène Belgrand XIXe-XXIe. Paris: Presses de Ponts  (298-313). \\
H number: 13 (February 2014)