!!!Mart Saarma
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2014 - Professor, Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki  
*2009 - 2013 Academy Professor, Academy of Finland and Institute of Biotechnology 
*2008 - 2013 Director, Centre of Excellence in Molecular and Integrated Neuroscience  
*2008 - 2009 Director, Biocenter Finland
*1990 - 2008 Director, Professor, Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki   
*1997 - 2014 Professor, Gene Technology Center, Tallinn Technical University (part time)  
*1980 - 1990 Head of the Department of Molecular Genetics, Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn  
*1977 - 1980 Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Institute of Physics, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tartu  
*1971 - 1977 Research assistant & junior researcher, Dept. Biological Chemistry, Medical Faculty, Tartu University
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2011 - 2013 Guest Professor of the Wuhan University, China 
*2007 Foreign Member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters  
*2005 European Molecular Biology organization (EMBO) member 
*2001 Second order decoration of the Estonian White Star  
*2001 Member of the Tanner Academy  
*2000 Foreign Member of the Finnish Academy of Science  
*1999 First order decoration of the Finnish White Rose Knighthood  
*A1990 cademician, Estonian Academy of Sciences   
*2013 Alfred Kordelin Foundation Science Prize   
*2010 Tartu University Medical School Honorary Medal   
*2009 Nordic Science Prize, Lundbeck Foundation  
*2004 Karl Schlossmann Science Prize 
*2008 - 2012 Chairman, Finland Centre of Excellence in Molecular Neurobiology 
*2003 Runeberg Medical Science Prize 
*2002 Helsinki Gold medal  
*2001 Väino Tanner Prize     
*2000 Finnish Innovation Prize  
*2000 Finnish Cultural Foundation Science Prize

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Saarma_Mart/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Saarma_Mart/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Saarma_Mart/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Saarma_Mart/OtherInformation]

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