Michele Rostan - Selected publications#

Rostan, M., & Ceravolo, F.A., 2014. Crossing the Borders: Investigating Social and Economic Forces Shaping International Academic Mobility. In J. Brankovic, M. Klemencic, P. Lazetic & P. Zgaga (Eds.), Global Challenges, Local Responses in Higher Education: The Contemporary Issues in National and Comparative Perspective. Rotterdam, Boston, Taipei: Sense Publishers, 79-103.

Rostan, M., & Höhle, E. A., 2014. The International Mobility of Faculty. In F. Huang, M. Finkelstein, & M. Rostan (Eds.), The Internationalization of the Academy: Changes, Realities and Prospects. Dordrecht: Springer, 79-104.

Rostan, M., Metcalfe, A. S., & Ceravolo, F. A., 2014. The Internationalization of Research. In F. Huang, M. Finkelstein, & M. Rostan (Eds.), The Internationalization of the Academy: Changes, Realities and Prospects. Dordrecht: Springer, 119-143.

Rostan, M., 2014. Teaching and Research at Italian Universities: Continuities and Changes. In Shin, J.C.; Arimoto, A.; Cummings, W.K.; Teichler, U. (Eds.), 2014. Teaching and Research in Contemporary Higher Education. Systems, Activities and Rewards. Dordrecht: Springer, 89-112.

Rostan, M., 2012. Beyond Physical Mobility: Other Ways to Internationalise the Academic Profession. In Vukasovic, M., Maassen, P., Stensaker, B., Nerland, M., Pinheiro, R. and A. Vabø (Eds.), Effects of Higher Education Reforms: Change Dynamics. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 239-258.

M. Rostan, M. & Vaira, M., 2011. Faltering Effects of Market-Oriented Reforms on Italian Higher Education. Focus on Reforms Promoting Competition. In Pedro N. Teixeira, David D. Dill. Public Vices, Private Virtues? Assessing the Effects of Marketization in Higher Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 327-343.

Rostan, M., Calmand, J. & Frontini, M., 2011. “Being Flexible”: Graduates Facing Changes in Their Work Environment. In Allen, J. & R. van der Velden (Eds.), The Flexible Professional in the Knowledge Society. Dordrecht: Springer, 83-109.

M. Rostan, & Vaira, M., 2011. Structuring the Field of Excellence. A Comparative View on Policies, Actors, Interests and Conflicts in Four European Countries. In M. Rostan & M. Vaira (Eds.), Questioning Excellence in Higher Education. Policies, Experiences and Challenges in National and Comparative Perspective. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 57-74.

Rostan, M., 2010. Challenges to Academic Freedom: Some Empirical Evidence, European Review, Vol. 18, Supplement n. 1, pp. S71–S88.

Rostan, M. & Vaira, M. 2007. Changing Patterns of University/Industry Relations in Italy. In Enders, J. & Jongbloed, B. (Eds.), Public-Private Dynamics in Higher Education. Expectations, Developments, and Outcomes. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 361-386.

Moscati, R. & Rostan, M., 2007. Regional Wealth, Employment and Mobility. In Teichler, U. (Ed.), Careers of University Graduates. Views and Experiences in Comparative Perspectives. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher, 195-210.
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