!!Christine Reynier - Selected Publications
1. (Author of book) Virginia Woolf's Ethics of the Short Story. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.\\
2. (Author of book) Jeanette Winterson. Le miracle ordinaire. Bordeaux: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, collection Couleurs Anglaises, 2004.\\
3. (Editor of book) Cross-Cultural Encounters between the Mediterranean and the English-Speaking Worlds. Bern: Peter Lang, Series Transatlantic Aesthetics and Culture, 2011.\\
4. (Guest editor of journal). Journal of the Short Story in English, Special issue on Virginia Woolf, 50 (Spring 2008).\\
5. (Coeditor of book and co-author of Introduction, with Jean-Michel Ganteau) Ethics of Alterity, Confrontation and Responsibility in 19th- to 21st-century British Arts. Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, Horizons anglophones/Present Perfect, 2015. \\
6. (Coeditor of book and co-author of Introduction, with Benédicte Coste and Cathérine Delyfer) Reconnecting Aestheticism and Modernism. New York: Routledge, forthcoming on 01/09/2016.\\
7. (Author of book chapter) “Reading The Rash Act in the light of Provence: The Encounter of Ethics and Aesthetics”, in Ford Madox Ford, France and Provence, International Ford Madox Ford Studies 10, ed. Dominique Lemarchal and Claire Davison-Pégon. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2011. 217-28.  \\
8. (Author of article) “Theorising the Modernist Short Story with Woolf (and Agamben) as an Art of Empowering ‘Poverty’”, Journal of the Short Story 64 (Spring 2015): 137-54.\\
9. (Author of article) “Musing in the Museums of Ford’s Provence”, Word & Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry. Francis and Taylor, 30:1 (13 May 2014): 57-63. [http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/HMiUv4KzDf7iZYVB7bUS/full]\\
10. “(Author of article) Virginia Woolf’s Ethics and Victorian Moral Philosophy”, John Hopkins University Press, Philosophy and Literature 38/1 (April 2014): 128-141. [http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/philosophy_and_literature/toc/phl.38.1.html]