!!Christine Reynier - Curriculum Vitae
*2000- present : Professor,  Montpellier3\\
*1997-2000: Professor, Bordeaux3\\
*1995-1997: Professor, Pau\\
*1990-1995: Associate Professor,  Bordeaux3\\
*1989-1990:   Teaching Assistant, Bordeaux I
*1988  Doctorate in English Studies, Université Paris 7\\
*1981 Agrégation in English literature (national competitive examination)\\
*1977-1981 Ecole Normale Supérieure
__Research field__
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Modernist literature (novel, short story and essays; canonic and neglected figures); its connections with Victorian literature and aestheticism; its connections with the other arts and its intermedial nature (word and image/drawing/ photography). \\
(see full list of publications)\\
*2016: Elected member of the Administrative Board of University Montpellier 3\\
*2007 - present:  Head of EMMA, Montpellier Research Centre in English Studies\\
*2013 - present: member of the national jury for the Research Prize of the SAES/AFEA \\
*2005 - 2008: Chair of SEAC (Société d'Etudes Anglaises Contemporaines) \\
*2004 - 2008; 2011-2013: Chair for the national annual Ph D sessions in literature for the SAES (Doctoriales).\\
*1996 - 2004: Chair of the French Virginia Woolf Society (SEW)
Organisation of conferences: annual conference on 19th to 21st-century literature and arts in EMMA; monthly seminar in EMMA.\\
__Editorial responsibilities__
*2013 -present: Editor in chief of the Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens, cve.revues.org\\
*2009-present: editor of the series Essais sur l'art, Michel Houdiard, Paris\\
*2005-present: co-editor of the series Horizons anglophones/Present Perfect, Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, PULM.fr\\
Member of the reading committees of Etudes Britanniques contemporaines, Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens,  Journal of the Short Story in English, Essais sur l’art, de Horizons anglophones/Present Perfect.\\
Expertise of manuscripts for French journals (l’Atelier,  e-rea, Résonances and Angles) and international journals (Translation,\\
Modernism/modernity, Language and Literature); of a research project for the University of Louvain and a  manuscript for Palgrave Macmillan.\\
Expertise of research centres in France (AERES/HCERES)\\
PhD supervision (8 in 2015, 6 in 2016)(see full list)\\
Membership:  the International Virginia Woolf Society, ENSFR (The European Network for Short Fiction Research), BAMS (British Association for Modernist Studies); SAES, SEAC, SEW, SFEVE in France