!!Jörg Rüpke - Curriculum Vitae
Date of birth: 1962 in Herford/Westfalia (Germany) \\
Fellow in Religious Studies at the Max Weber Centre, University of Erfurt (2008-2013, renewable)\\
Honorary Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Aarhus (2011-2016, renewable)\\
Professor of Comparative Religions, University of Erfurt (W3, since April 1999, on leave since Sept. 2008)\\
__Ongoing Professional Activities__\\
2009- 		Comitato Scientifico della Fondazione Collegio San Carlo di Modena\\
2008- 		Director of the DFG Research Team 1013: Religious Individualization 				in Historical Perspective, Erfurt\\
2008- 	Director Graduate School “Religion in Modernisation Processes”, Erfurt\\
2007-13 	Teaching faculty DFG-Research Training Group “Gottesbilder”, Göttingen 			\\
2005-11	 	Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Swiss NCCR “Affective Sciences”, Genève\\
__Previous Professional Activities__\\
2010-12 Member of the Steering Committee of the research cluster “Sanctuaries”  				of the German Archaeological Institute\\
2008, 1-6 		Interim president of the University of Erfurt\\
2004-7	 Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy\\
2003-4	 Visiting Fellow 				Max Weber Centre \\
2002-12		Teaching Faculty 				Dottorato internazionale Le Culture delle province romane, 				Siena, Trento and Erfurt\\
2000-8 	Coordinator of the Priority Program 1080 Roman Imperial and Provincial  				Religion: Processes of Globalisation and Localisation\\
1995-9 	Professor (C3) of Classical Studies, Potsdam \\
1994-5 		Replacement Faculty, Chair of Latin Philology (Prof. R. Herzog), Konstanz\\
1992-4	 Post-Doctoral Research Assistant 				Philological Institute, Tübingen\\
1990-5	 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow on the DFG Research Project Social History of Roman Religion (H. Cancik)\\
__Degrees and Qualifications__
*1995 Augmentation of the Venia legendi for Latin Philology, Tübingen\\
*1994 Habilitation in Religious Studies, Venia legendi, Department of Cultural Studies, Tübingen\\
*1989 PhD in Comparative Religion summa cum laude, Tübingen\\
*1987 MA in Religious Studies and Latin (with distinction), Tübingen\\
*1987 Staatsexamen in Latin and Catholic Theology (1,0 and 1,5)\\
*1981-86 Undergraduate studies at Bonn, Lancaster and Tübingen in Religious Studies, Latin, and Catholic Theology\\
*Preliminary Certificate in Philosophy and Education