!!Paolo Poccetti
!Short laudatio by Anna Orlandini
Paolo Poccetti is author of about 200 publications written in Italian, French, German,
English, appeared in international journals, conference proceedings and in miscellaneous volumes. His uninterrupted activity since l976 deals with Latin and Greek linguistics as well with other fragmentarily languages of the Mediterranean area, mainly from Italy. Methodically his investigations range from comparative philology to pragmatics and sociolinguistics basing on scrupulously philological
grounds. On the one hand he published new epigraphic texts with commentary
discovered during last forty years, on the other hand he provided critical revisions of
texts previously appeared.
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Further research fields are also writings systems, onomastics, language contacts and lexicology with respect to the languages above mentioned. In these domains the candidate reached a highest level of scholarship, so that he is considered one of the outstanding specialists in the world concerning the pre-Roman languages of Italy.
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Paolo Poccetti has been repeatedly director of research project granted by Italian Research Council.
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His activity gave a significant contribution to I) the documentation of fragmentarily attested languages in a Mediterranean perspective; 2) the methodological improvement of text analysis; 3) focusing the relationships between ‘minority’ languages and ‘majority’ languages of antiquity; 4) the impact on the evolutionary tendencies of Latin towards Romance languages.
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Paolo Poccetti is one of the most original and productive scholars working in Classical linguistics.
He has published in a broad spectrum of leading journals in several
countries, a phenomenon that is rare in the study of Classics, which is still very much a national enterprise.
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Recent research activity of Prof. Poccetti, in collaboration with Prof. Orlandini, concerns the structures of coordination in the languages of ancient Italy (included Latin), appeared in several papers. A final outcome of this research will be collected
in volume to be published (2011) in the series of the ''Société de Linguistique de
Paris''. In collaboration with Prof. Orlandini, Paolo Poccetti is also working for a the
research project: ''Les structures de la comparaison en latin et dans les langues
anciennes''. The topic of the project is an interesting combination of philology,
semantics and pragmatics.


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