!!Pavel Pevzner - Curriculum Vitae
*B.S.     Moscow Technological Transport Inst. 1979 \\
*Ph.D.  Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology 1988
__Editorial Boards__
*J. of Comp. Biol. (Exec. Editor)\\
*Discrete Appl. Math.\\
*J. of the Assoc. for Computing Machinery \\
*J. Bioinf. and Comp. Biol.\\
*J. Computer and System Sci.\\
*Trans. on Comp. Biol. and Bioinf. 2004-2008\\
*BMC Bioinf.\\
*MIT Press Comp. Mol. Biol. book series (co-founder).\\
*Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (co-founder).\\
*Biology Direct 2006-2012\\
*Bioinformatics 2000-2005\\
__Member of Advisory Boards/Co-founder__
*RECOMB Conference 1996--\\
*GeneData, Basel 1997-2000\\
*X-Mine, Palo Alto 2000 - 2004\\
*Genomics Inst., Singapore 2005-2012\\
*Life Technologies, San Diego 2008-2011\\
*Academia Sinica (Comp. Sci.), Taipei 2011-2014\\
*DNAnexus, Palo Alto 2012-\\
*Edico Genome, San Diego 2013-2014\\
*Digital Proteomics, San Diego 2011- \\
*Digital SPomics, San Diego 2014-
__Distinguished Lectures__
*SUNY Albany 1999\\
*Maryland 2000, 2007\\
*UC Irvine 2002, 2009, 2015\\
*Duke 2003\\
*Carnegie Mellon 2004\\
*U. Pennsylvania  2004\\
*UT  Dallas 2004\\
*UC Davis 2004\\
*Georgia Tech 2005, 2015 \\
*U.  Toronto 2006\\
*Brown 2006\\
*Chinese Acad. of Sci., Shanghai  2009\\
*Academia Sinica, Taipei 2009\\
*UCSB 2010\\
*UCLA 2011 \\
*Johns Hopkins 2015\\
*UCR 2015\\
*Tel Aviv U. 2015 \\
*PennState 2015
__Former Doctoral and Postdoctoral Students__
*V. Bafna               Prof. at UCSD\\
*G. Bourque         Prof. at McGill U.\\
*S. Hannenhalli   Prof. at U. of Maryland \\
*U. Keich               Prof. at U. of Sydney\\
*B. Raphael          Prof. at Princeton\\
*H. Tang                Prof. at U. of Indiana\\
*G. Tesler               Prof. at UCSD\\

*M. Alekseyev      Assoc. Prof. at George Washington\\
*N. Bandeira         Assoc. Prof. at UCSD\\
*S. Heber               Assoc. Prof. at NCSU\\
*A. Price                 Assoc. Prof. at Harvard\\
*S. H. Sze               Assoc. Prof. at Texas A&M\\
*D. Zhi                    Assoc. Prof. at U. of Alabama\\

*C. Bucher            Assist. Prof. at Colorado State U.\\
*H. Chitsaz           Assist. Prof. at Colorado State U.\\
*P. Compeau       Assist. Prof. at Carnegie Mellon\\
*N. Gupta             Assist Prof. at IIT, Kanpur\\
*Y. Lin                    Australian National University\\
*X. Liu                    Assist. Prof. at U. of Indiana \\
*P. Medvedev     Assist. Prof. at PennState\\
*D. Tsur                 Assist. Prof. at Ben Gurion U. \\

*H. Mohimani      Project Scientist at UCSD\\
*M. Chaisson        postdoc. at U. of Washington\\
*K. Jeong               postdoc at Korean Natl. U.\\
*Q. Peng                postdoc at Scripps\\
*S. Pham                postdoc at Salk\\

*S. Bonissone       Digital Proteomics\\
*D. Brinza              Thermo\\
*A. Frank                Yahoo!\\
*E. Hubbell            Thermo\\
*N. Jones                Google\\
*S. Kim                    Illumina\\
*Z. Mulyukov        RosNano\\
*J. Ng                       Microsoft