Peter Paule#

Short laudatio by Bruno Buchberger#

Peter Paule is one of the 3 pionieers in the world who initiated and built up a completely new field, called "symbolic combinatorics". Peter Paule is the current chairman of RISC (Research Institute of Symbolic Computation), one of the three leading centers for symbolic computation in the world.

Peter Paule is member of the exclusive editorial board of the "Handbook of Special Functions" (NIST Digital Library). He introduced methods for the verification of identities for special functions.
Paule's research interests cover many areas: combinatorics, computer algebra, and special functions. He is one of the founders of the relatively young area "symbolic computation in combinatorics". In addition, Prof. Paule seeks to apply algorithmic methods in a novel way to areas in mathematics, but also to related fields like physics. Currently Paule is director of, the FWF Doctoral Program "Computational Mathematics". Paule collaborates with DESY and the JKU. Paule's scientific achievements are supplemented by concrete computer algebra software that is used world-wide.

Paule has been invited key-note speaker at flagship conferences in all the areas mentioned above, for example, the FPSAC'07 (combinatorics), CALCULEMUS 2007 (symbolic computation), the International Conference on Difference Equations, Special Functions and Applications 2005 (special functions), or the 6th International School on Theoretical Physics 2000 (physics).

In addition, Paule was serving as program chair for a number of top conferences and is on the editorial board of some of the leading journals in his area. Paule was the only nominee of the Johannes Kepler University Linz for the Wittgenstein Award in the years 2008, 2010.

In 2009 Dr. Kauers, a former PhD student of Paule, received a START Award. Paule is member of the ÖAW fellowship commission (by unanimous suggestion of the Austrian Rektorenkonferenz).

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