John Neubauer - Selected publications#


Symbolismus und symbolische Logik. Die Idee der ars combinatoria in der modernen Dichtung. Munich: Fink, 1978. 236 pp. Japanese translation Tokio: Arina Shobo, 1999. 302 pp.

The Emancipation of Music from Language; Departure from Mimesis in Eighteenth Century Aesthetics. New Haven: Yale UP, 1986. Spanish translation La emancipación de la música. El alejamiento de la mímesis en la estética del siglo xviii. Madrid: Visor, 1992.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Sämtliche Werke. General introduction to the scientific works and individual commentaries in vols. 2.2, 3.2, 4.2, 6.2, 9, 11.2, 13.2, 18.2. Munich: Hanser, 1986-. Co-editor of vol. 7 and vol. 12.
The Fin-de-Siècle Culture of Adolescence. New Haven: Yale UP, 1992. 288 pp. Italian translation Adolescenza fin-de-siècle. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1997.

History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe. 4 vols. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2004-2010. (Ed. with Marcel Cornis-Pope, author of many articles)

The Exile and Return of Writers from East-Central Europe. A Compendium. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2009. (Ed. with Zs. Török. author of about 202 pp.)


“The Idea of Europe – Treading on Native Ground?” The Idea of Europe. Ed. Susan Rubin Suleiman. Special issue of Comparative Literature. 58.4 (2006): 361-75.

“Die Geburt der Literaturgeschichte aus dem Geiste des Organismusgedanken.” Von Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschieden. Vergleich, Analogie und Klassifikation in Wissenschaft und Literatur (18./19. Jahrhundert). Ed. Michael Eggers. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011. 183-99.

“Stimmen und Stimmung: Zur Entstehung der nationalen Opernsprachen.“ Concordia discors; Ästhetiken der Stimmung zwischen Literaturen, Künsten und Wissenschaften. Ed. Hans-Georg von Arburg and Sergej Rickenbacher. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2012. 143-60.

“Wagnis der Evolution und der Kunst.” Literatur als Wagnis / Literature as Risk. Ed. Monika Schmitz-Emans. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2013. 264-78.

“Burning the Heretics and Saving Don Carlos: Méry du Locle’s and Verdi’s Don Carlos.” Music’s Obedient Daughter. The Opera Libretto from Source to Score. Ed. Sabine Lichtenstein. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2014. 185-211.
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