!!Pieter Muysken - Major Publications
1999 (with A. Bmyn and M. Verrips) Double object constructions in Creole
languages. In M. DeGraff (ed.) ''Language Creation and Language Change.
Creolization, Diachrony, and Development''. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 329-374.
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2000 ''Bilingual speech: A typology of code-mixing''. Cambridge: Cambridge University
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2000 The genesis of Lowland Ecuadorian Quechua and Semantic Transparency, In
Jacques Arends (ed.) ''Creoles, pidgins, and sundry languages. Special issue of
Linguistics in honor of Pieter Seuren'', 38, 973-988.
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2004 (Willem Adelaar, in collaboration with Pieter Muysken) ''The Languages of the
Andes''. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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2005 Categories in the syntax and the lexicon: Evidence from language contact
research. In Henri Cohen and Claire Lefebvre (eds.) ''Handbook of categorization in
the cognitive sciences''. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, pp. 46-7l.
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2005 (with Mily Crevels) Inclusive/Exclusive distinctions in the languages of south-
westem South America. In Elena Filomonova (ed.) ''Clusivity''. Amsterdam: Benjamins,
pp. 3 l l-33 8.
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2006 Mixed codes. In Peter Auer and Li Wei (eds.) ''Multilingual communication''.
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 303-328.
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2007 (Margaret Deuchar and Sung-Lan Wang) Structured variation in codeswitching:
towards an empirically based typology of bilingual speech patterns. ''International
Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism''. Vol. l0:3, 298-340
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2008 ''Functional categories''. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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2008 (ed.) ''From linguistic areas to areal linguistics''. Amsterdam: Benjamins.