!!Christine Musselin
!Short laudatio by Ulrich Teichler
Christine Musselin clearly is the internationally most visible and highly reputed higher education researcher. In her 7 books, 11 edited or co-edited books and more than 70 articles and journals (additionally many book reviews and research reports submitted to and some cases published by sponsoring agencies) she has turned out be one of Europe’s most knowledgeable persons in comparative analysis of higher education systems (her perfect command of French, English and German is an important asset in this context) as well as one of the conceptually most challenging authors in the domain of higher education governance. In her brilliant analyses, she clearly points out how varied conceptual frameworks come to completely divergent observations and eventually findings about governance, management and administration in the higher education system. It is most impressive how far her articles have been accepted in various disciplinary and thematically specialised journals, e.g. Sociologie du travail, European Journal of Education, Revue Francaise de Finances Politiques, Revue Francaise de Sociologie, Societés Contemporaires, International Higher Education, Higher Education Quarterly, Education et Société, Higher Education, Revue Francais de Science Politique, etc.
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Christine Musselin has served a broad range of academic, professional and policy bodies. She has been very successful in raising research grants. Her international academic reputation is best illustrated by the fact that she is currently the chairperson of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER).


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