!!Jiří Musil - Selected publications

*Housing Needs and Policy in Great Britain and Czechoslovakia (University of Glasgow, London, Edinburgh: Boyd Orr, 1966, 140 p.)
*Sociology of the Contemporary City (Praha: Svoboda, 1967; 320 p.)
*Sociologie soudobého města (Sociology of the Contemporary City). Svoboda, Prague, 1967
*Housing Situation and Perspectives for Long-Term Housing Requirements in European Countries (Geneva: United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe, 1968; 120 p.)
*Assessment of Current and Future Housing Requirements and Housing Demand,Including Methodology (Geneva: United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe, 1970; 130 p.)
*Sociologia della Cittá (Milano: Franco Angeli Editore, 1970; 356 p.)
*Sociology of Housing (Praha: Svoboda, 1971; 304 p.)
*Sociology of Housing (Budapest: Kossuth Könyvkiadó, 1974; 369 p.)
*Urbanization in Socialist Countries (Praha: Svoboda, 1977; 361 p.)
*Urbanization in Socialist Countries (Warsaw: Ksiezka i Wiedza, 1980; 380 p.)
*People and Housing Projects, Editor (Praha: Svoboda, 1985; 334 p.)
*The End of Czechoslovakia, Editor (Budapest, London, New York, CEU Press, 1995; 283 p.)
*Räumliche Auswirkungen des Transformationsprozesses in Deutschland bei den östlichen Nachbarn (with Wendelin Strubelt) (Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 1997; 306 p.306)
*The Meaning of Liberalism – East and West, Editor with Zd. Suda (Budapest, London, New York, CEU Press, 1999; 290 p.)
*The European Left after 1989 – West and East, Editor with Zd. Suda (CEU and Freidrich Ebert Stiftung, Prague 2000, 252 p.)
*Zrod velkoměsta (Birth of a Metropolis) (with P. Horská, E. Maur). Paseka, Prague 2002.
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