!Jiří Matoušek - Selected Publications
Published 7 monographs (3 with a co-author), over 140 original research papers and several surveys. For full list of publications see [http://kam.mff.cuni.cz/~matousek/publ.pdf]\\ \\
Bibliometric data based on Google Scholar: Overall number of citations 6499, h-index 44, i10-index 93.
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__Selected monographs__:
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Geometric Discrepancy. An Illustrated Guide,  Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1999. Revised 2nd printing 2010. (over 300 citations)
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Lectures on Discrete Geometry, Springer, New York, 2002. (over 650 citations)
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Thirty three miniatures (Mathematical and algorithmic applications of linear algebra), Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 2010.\\
__Selected papers__:
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Efficient partition trees, Discrete & Computational Geometry, 8(1992) 315-334. (244 citations)
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A subexponential bound for linear programming (with M. Sharir and E. Welzl), Algorithmica 16(1996) 498-516. (268 citations)
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The distance trisector curve (with Tetsuo Asano and Takeshi Tokuyama), Advances in Mathematics 212 (1), 338--360 19(2007).
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Inapproximability for metric embeddings into R^d (with Anastasios Sidiropoulos), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362(2010) 6341-6365.
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The number of unit distances is almost linear for most norms, Adv. Math. 226(2011) 2618-2628.\\
Hardness of embedding simplicial complexes in R^d (with Uli Wagner and Martin Tancer), J. Europ. Math. Soc. 13(2011)259-295.
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Lower bounds for weak epsilon-nets and stair-convexity (with Boris Bukh and Gabriel Nivasch), Israel J. Math 182(2011) 199-228.\\