!!Christoph von der Malsburg - Selected publications
[List of publications|cvref.pdf]
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Fernandes T, von der Malsburg C - Self-Organization of Control Circuits for Fiber Projections Invariant to Position, Size and Orientation (2012), Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference

Bergman U, von der Malsburg C - Self-organization of topographic bilinear networks for invariant recognition (2011), Neural Computation, 23 (11): 2770 - 97

Bergmann U, Von der Malsburg C - A Bilinear Model for Consistent Topographic Representations (2010), International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks

Zhu J, Bergmann U, Von der Malsburg U - Self-organization of Steerable Topographic Mappings as Basis for Translation Invariance (2010), International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks

Zhu J, von der Malsburg C - Steps toward numerical mode analysis of organizing systems (2008), J Mathematic Biol 59(3):359-76

Lücke J, Von der Malsburg C - Rapid Correspondence Finding in Networks of Cortical Columns (2006), ICANN 668-677
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