!!!Tadeusz Luty
[{Image src='tadeusz_luty-240x290.jpg' caption='' height='200' alt='Tadeusz Luty'}]%%
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2002 - 2008 Rector of the Wroclaw University of Technology
*1980 - 2008 Professor at the Wroclaw University of Technology
*1972 - 1980 Professor at the Wroclaw University of Technology
*1965 - 1969 Lecturer at the Wroclaw University of Technology
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*Since 2006 Polish representative to the Board of Governors of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission 
*2007 he was elected as a member of the European University Association Board
*2008 Nicolas Copernicus Medal for “outstanding contribution to scientific and academic community of Poland and Europe
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Luty_Tadeusz/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Luty_Tadeusz/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Luty_Tadeusz/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Luty_Tadeusz/OtherInformation]

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