!!Ingvar Lundberg - Curriculum vitae

Born in Stockholm September 30, 1934\\
Married, three children, six grandchildren
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*Elementary school teacher exam (Grade 3-8) 1956
*Fil kand (BA) University of Stockholm 1960
*Fil lic (roughly equivalent to PhD) in Stockholm 1964
*Fil Dr Umeå university 1971
*School teacher in Stockholm 1956-1960
*Assistant teacher and research assistant at the Psychology Department, Stockholm University 1960-1954
*University lecturer Stockholm University 1964-1967
*Senior lecturer at the Department of Psychology, Umeå University 1967-1984
*Director of undergraduate studies 1967-1980
*Professor in the psychology of reading 1985-1989, Umeå University
*Professor in developmental psychology 1989- 1995 Umeå University
*Vice dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences 1990-1994
*Chairman of the University Library 1991-1993
*Research professor at the Psychology Department, Göteborg University 1995 -
*Docent at the Faculty of Education Åbo Akademi, Finland 1986-1994
*Professor 2 in Educational Psychology, Bergen University, Norway, 1988-1994 
*Doctor honoris causa at the educational faculty of Åbo Akademi, Finland 1999
*The Marion Welshman Award for Life Time Achievement 2003
*A symposium to honour Ingvar Lundberg at the Karolinska Institute, 2001
*An edited volume: A tribute to Ingvar Lundberg (Dyslexia & Literacy)
*The World-didac Award (Silver) for the new reading course “Läs med oss”. 
*The Tim Miles Honorary lecture at the University of Wales, Bangor, 1999
*The Norman Geschwind Memorial lecture at the International Dyslexia Society, 2002
*The Curt von Euler Memorial lecture at the Rodin Academy in Stockholm 2005
*A large number of invited addresses and key note speeches in various parts of the world
*The royal gold medal in the ribbon of the Serafiminian order received by his Majesty the King in 2009.
__Editorial boards__
*Assistant editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 1960-1968
*Editorial board of Reading Research Quarterly 1989-1994: 2006 -
*Reading and Writing 1989 –
*Dyslexia 1991 –
*Human Development 1992-1998
*Annals of Dyslexia 2000-
*Scientific Studies of Reading 2001-
*International Journal of Applied Linguistics
*Scandinavian Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
__Other assignments__
*Vice chair of the organization committee for organizing the World Congress of Psychology in Stockholm in 2000
*Organizer of four Nordic congresses on dyslexia in Stockholm
*Organizer of a large number of national and international symposia and conferences
*On the board of the Institute of Advanced Training of Psychologists owned by the Swedish Psychological Association
*On the Board of the Swedish National Council of Research in Social Sciences
*Chair of the priority committee concerning caring sciences and development
*Chair of the Board for the University Library Umeå University
*Vice dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Umeå University
*Vice chairman of the National Committee on Psychology (the Swedish Academy of Sciences)
*1st Faculty opponent on a large number of doctoral dissertations in the Scandinavian countries
*Reviewer of a large number of academic positions in the Scandinavian countries
*Reviewer of the re-organization of the school system in the Netherlands 1992
*On the Steering Committee of the International Reading Literacy Study 1986-1992
*Research co-ordinator of the reading part of the National Assessments 1988-1992
*Scientific consultant for The Center for Reading Research, Stavanger Norway
*Scientific consultant for the Dyslexia Research Foundation, Stavanger Norway
*Expert appointed by the Swedish government to serve at the committee for a new teacher education in Sweden
*Member of the International Advisory Board of the Centre for Learning Research at the University of Turku, Finland
__Academies and learned Societies__
*Fellow of Academia Europaea 
*Fellow of the Rodin Remediation Academy
**Chair of the Prize Committee
**Member of the Executive Board
*Fellow of the International Academy for Research on Learning Disabilities
*Fellow of the Royal Academy of Arts, England
*Founding member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
*Member of the International Dyslexia Association
*Board member of the Swedish Foundation for Dyslexia Research
*Chair of the Prize Committee for the Marianne Bernadotte Foundation
*Honorary Protector of the Association of Dyslexia teachers at the high-school level